[News] Militarized RCMP Are Moving In On Coyote Camp Now - All Out For Wet'suwet'en!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Nov 19 11:48:25 EST 2021

BREAKING: Militarized RCMP Are Moving In On Coyote Camp Now Solidarity 
Actions Across Canada Are Happening Today. All Out For Wet'suwet'en!
*RCMP are En Route Now to Coyote Camp To Carry out A Second Raid

All Out For Wet'suwet'en!*


This massive contingent of heavily armed RCMP officers that was deployed 
yesterday is now en route again to repress non violent land defenders.

Sleydo' just finished this powerful interview with Democracy Now that 
details the current struggle from Coyote Camp where the RCMP is now heading!

Follow Gidimt'en Checkpoint on Twitter 
for live updates

Yesterday the RCMP carried out a heavily militarized raid on the 
Gidimt'en Checkpoint, arresting 15 people including legal observers, a 
credited journalist, Haudensaunee allies, and two Wet'suwet'en elders.

The Coyote Camp on the CGL drill site off the main road was not raided 
yesterday but reports just came out of a massive RCMP convoy heading 
that way and jamming radio communication.

Solidarity actions began across Canada in response to the millitarized 
RCMP Raid with long time allies in the Gitxsan nations shutting down the 
rail lines last night, and Haudensaunee supporters stopping the hwy 6 
bypass in their territory.

Most land defenders are still in jail and scheduled for hearings this 
morning in Smithers where there will be a rally and gathering today at 9 AM.

Janet Williams, the Wet'suwet'en matriarch who was denied medication by 
the RCMP exclusion zone was taken to the hospital from jail due to chest 
pains. She is home now recovering.

Many groups including the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs 
and Dogwood 
have come out condemning the RCMP for deploying massive resources that 
could be used to help people in crisis to instead repress Indigenous 
land defenders and defend a pipeline during a climate emergency.

Amnesty International has written an open letter 
urging BC and Federal Government to respect rights of Wet'suwet'en Land 

The call out for solidarity continues and actions across the country are 
planned for today. See below for details!

As the RCMP carried out their millitarized raid Sleydo' made this 
callout for support from Coyote camp on the CGL drill pad site where 
RCMP are heading now.



15 supporters have been arrested, all for breaches of the injunction. No 
criminal charges. They will be brought to Smithers for bail hearings 

Take actions where you stand!! We need boots on the ground on every 
piece of infrastructure! Go to your local RCMP detachments, tell them to 
keep their hands of the Wet'suwet'en. Check our website and social media 
pages for updates. There will be a gathering at Smithers courthouse in 
the morning!

🔥 Host a solidarity rally.
🔥 Pressure government, banks, and investors. 
🔥 Donate. http://go.rallyup.com/wetsuwetenstrong 
🔥 Spread the word.

More information and developing stories:
IG: @yintah_access
Twitter: @Gidimten

Wet'suwet'en Elder Janet Williams was one of the 15 arrested yesterday. 
RCMP prevented supporters from getting her medication when they set up 
an illegal exclusion zone in the lead up to the raid that stopped 
elders, chiefs, and children from accessing their territory.

She had to be taken from jail to the hospital with chest pains after 
being denied her medication by the RCMP. She is at home recovering now. 
The night before the raid she shared powerful words with the group of 
land defenders captured in the video below:


"The RCMP continues to have heavy presence in the area, despite legal 
complaints filed against previous RCMP exclusion zones on the yintah, 
and a recent BC court decision condemning the use of unlawful exclusion 
zones at Ada'itsx (Fairy Creek).

The violence towards Indigenous elders is unacceptable and must end NOW. 
Take action wherever you are.  Come to the land. 
<https://facebook.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0103e92dff58215fc5fc7ac79&id=f461e7d80c&e=ca231ece03> " 

People and organizations across Canada are paying attention and 
condeming the grotesque actions by the RCMP and BC Government!

Read and share the full statements from Union of BC Indian Chiefs 
and Dogwood 
condemning the RCMP deployment

      Smithers Court House 9 AM today

Burnaby RCMP Detachment today at 9 AM 

Vancouver at Noon Today 

Toronto 11:30 AM today 

Toronto at 2 PM tomorrow 

Montreal Saturday at Noon 

Guelph Saturday at Noon 

Victoria Today at Noon 

Hamilton Ongoing 

See this thread for more actions! 

*Articles to Share*

Canadian Police Raid Wet'suwet'en Pipeline Blockade, Arrest 15 Land 
Defenders -Democracy NOW 

Land Defenders Arrested on Wet'suwet'en territory as RCMP enforces 
Coastal GasLink Injuction -The Narwal 

Coastal GasLink Failed to Warn Camp Employees About Blockade, Worker 
Says -The Tyee 

A Failure of Leadership. Faced with compounding disasters, provincial 
politicians are stuck in reaction mode. Who will safeguard our 
communities? -Kai Nagata 

All Out for Wet'suwet'en!
-Unist'ot'en Solidarity Brigade





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Non-profit Indigenous support group
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Delta, BC V4K 2Y7

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