[News] By defending Jerusalem, Hamas stakes its claim to Palestinian national leadership

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Fri May 21 21:25:50 EDT 2021


  By defending Jerusalem, Hamas stakes its claim to Palestinian national

Khaled al-Hroub - May 21, 2021

A Gaza-based commentator posted the following on a social media group 
that I follow: “After the cancellation of the [Palestinian] elections 
in which 36 lists 
were to participate … the people have now mandated the ‘list of 
resistance’ by a landslide vote, supporting them to lead both the people 
and the battle … [the resistance] is assuming [Palestinian] legitimacy 
by defending people’s dignity.”

Against all odds, and perhaps against whatever adverse physical 
consequences may come, a key question arises: does the current showdown 
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/topics/gaza-under-attack> advance Hamas’s 
fortunes with regards to Palestinian leadership - if not through 
elections, then through “resistance”? There are no simple answers here.

    Amid this explosive atmosphere, angry and oppressed Palestinians had
    no hopes of any help from the politically crippled PA. Instead, they
    appealed to Hamas

The material damage achieved by the rockets fired by Palestinian 
resistance factions towards Israeli cities is small, when compared with 
the number fired (more than 3,000 
<https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57138996> so far) - or when 
compared with the local and international furore surrounding them. 
Yet the political damage that these rockets are inflicting on Israel, 
the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other regional players hostile to 
Hamas and other resistance factions is considerable.

Everyone has been watching the Palestinian Islamist 
movement's determined re-emergence from Gaza as the self-declared bearer 
of the Palestinian national cause.

In a broader sense, we have been seeing the advocates of resistance, 
including other groups alongside Hamas, as more trustworthy protectors 
of Palestinian national rights. Many Palestinians these days subscribe 
to this notion, particularly amid the failures 
of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the PA in Ramallah.

The fact that Israel has blamed Hamas for provoking Palestinians inside 
Israeli cities - with unprecedented protests 
breaking out in support of their brothers and sisters across the Green 
Line - has actually worked in Hamas’s favour. The same applies when the 
PA itself refrains from blaming Hamas for militarising the non-violent, 
successful popular protests in Jerusalem. PA officials are nervous to 
utter any criticism of Hamas these days, for fear of the public's response.

      Great dividends

Thus, beyond the media’s obsession with the Palestinian resistance's 
rockets, the most significant change during this round of military 
engagement with Israel relates to the political ramifications, not the 
military gains or losses. In the past, Palestinian factions’ use of 
rockets has been primarily Gaza-focused, aimed at pressuring Israel to 
ease the blockade <https://www.middleeasteye.net/tags/gaza-siege>, 
loosen fishing restrictions or allow more humanitarian essentials into 
Gaza, or to retaliate after assassinations 
of political leaders.

This time, the rockets are being fired for a wider national cause: that 
of Jerusalem itself 
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/topics/al-aqsa-attack>. In so doing, 
Hamas in particular is finally answering the standard criticism that, 
since it took power in Gaza in 2007, it has been impotently absorbed 
with local issues at the expense of large-scale national issues, 
including Jerusalem, Israeli settlements 
and Palestinian refugees 

A particular criticism has been that its military power is deployed more 
to consolidate its rule in Gaza than to serve the Palestinian cause at 
large. However, unlike loud criticism of Hamas’s rockets during previous 
actions, this time around, the critical voices are fewer and quieter, as 
support for Hamas has penetrated broader circles.

Rockets are launched towards Israel from Rafah, in the south of the Gaza 
Strip, controlled by the Palestinian Hamas movement, on May 12, 202

Rockets are launched towards Israel from Rafah, in the southern Gaza 
Strip, on 12 May 2021 (AFP)

Launching rockets to defend Jerusalem has certainly yielded great 
dividends for the movement. Hamas watched closely as Jerusalem began to 
boil over last month, both due to Israel’s installation of barriers at 
Damascus Gate 
and over the fate of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah 
who are being threatened with an Israeli-court-sanctioned settler 
takeover of their homes. Hundreds of supporters gathered daily in 
support of these families, and Israeli police cracked down 

This was all unfolding during the holy month of Ramadan, when tens of 
thousands of Palestinians come to pray at al-Aqsa Mosque daily. The 
heavy-handed response of Israeli police resulted in hundreds 
of Palestinian injuries, while images of Israeli brutality and the 
steadfastness of Sheikh Jarrah families went viral on social media.

To make matters worse, groups of extreme religious Zionists poured into 
the Old City to celebrate 
the 1967 occupation of East Jerusalem. To challenge this anticipated 
march, thousands more Palestinians came to the city from inside Israel, 
and tensions soared.

      'Sword of Jerusalem'

Amid this explosive atmosphere, angry and oppressed Palestinians had no 
hopes of any help from the politically crippled PA. Instead, they 
appealed to Hamas, chanting the name 
of military leader Mohammed ad-Deif and asking for the “strength of his 
sword”. These chants spread widely among Palestinians, raising the 
pressure on Hamas.

In Gaza, demonstrators also urged Palestinian factions to intervene 
militarily. Deif finally responded with an ultimatum, warning Israel to 
withdraw its security forces 
from al-Aqsa Mosque and Sheikh Jarrah by 6pm on 10 May. Israel ignored 
the warning, and Hamas fired its first rockets exactly on schedule, 
calling the operation “Sword of Jerusalem”.


Israel-Palestine: Nine days that shook the world

Hamas aimed its rockets 
at the Israeli outskirts of Jerusalem. As sirens went off across the 
city, scores of Zionists who had gathered to march hurried off, 
prompting a huge sigh of relief from Palestinians.

Critics accused Hamas of aborting peaceful and widespread popular 
demonstrations - diverting attention from Jerusalem, instead of helping 
it. But there are many signs that the rocket intervention was largely 
welcomed by the Palestinian public.

Last week, as Israel flattened residential buildings 
in Gaza and the death toll soared, a massive portrait of Hamas leaders - 
including Ismail Haniyeh 
<https://www.middleeasteye.net/tags/ismail-haniyeh>, the head of the 
movement’s political bureau - was mounted by al-Aqsa Mosque, another 
symbolic claim for Hamas to national leadership. It is difficult to 
remember when any image has been mounted on the same spot for 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Such symbolism reflects the changing realities on the ground. The 
continuous rise of Hamas’s political capital is matched by an erosion in 
the PA’s support. In recent polls surveying Palestinians in the occupied 
West Bank and Gaza on their preferences for a Palestinian president, 
Haniyeh beat Abbas <http://pcpsr.org/en/node/829> by 50 percent to 43 
percent. Tellingly, Jibril Rajoub, a close advisor of Abbas and 
secretary-general of Fatah's central committee, lamented 
that "not a single Arab leader called the Palestinian president during 
the current Israeli aggression".

      Turning point?

The rocket showdown could mark a turning point in the Palestinian 
political landscape. Hamas’s emergence from Gaza to take on national 
issues further undermines the PA and challenges Israel. Hamas has often 
stressed the need to end the monopoly over the Palestinian leadership, 
calling for a partnership with Fatah and other resistance groups. 
Whatever the outcome of this confrontation, Hamas is gaining further 
political capital and legitimacy.

This won't necessarily be enough for the group to counter the regional 
and international backing of Abbas. But it may push the PLO and PA to 
either reschedule elections as soon as possible, or allow for a new 
collective leadership involving Hamas and other resistance groups. Many 
Palestinians want to see an inclusive partnership.

Yet, a foreign - and particularly American 
<https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/> - veto against 
including Hamas in the Palestinian leadership presents a difficult 
obstacle. To circumvent the group's new political capital, the US, 
Israel and their Arab allies will likely try to save Abbas from 
irrelevancy, putting him at the centre of post-conflict aid, financial 
assistance and diplomacy.

While this could obscure the real picture for a while, it won't change 
the fact that the PA's legitimacy has been eroded in the long term, 
while the power of Hamas has continued to rise.

/The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not 
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye./

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