[News] “Israeli Missiles Damaged 16,800 Residential Units In Gaza”

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu May 20 14:38:06 EDT 2021

Missiles Damaged 16,800 Residential Units In Gaza”May 20, 2021

The Deputy Minister of Housing and Public Works in Gaza Naji Sarhan has
reported, Thursday, that Israeli missiles and shells have damaged 16800
residential units and buildings, including the destruction of 1000, and
damaging 1800 units that could collapse at any moment.

Deputy Housing Minister in Gaza Naji Sarhan stated that, among the 16800
units, the Israeli missiles destroyed 1000 units and rendered 1800 unsafe,
likely to collapse,

Sarhan added that the Ministry is trying to collect all needed information,
including obtaining data from the scenes of destruction, such as the number
of Palestinians affected by the Israeli attacks, and added that, once this
onslaught on Gaza is over, the Ministry will survey all buildings and
reevaluate their statuses after a thorough examination.

He also said that, so far, the damages caused to the homes and buildings
exceeded $350 million, including $150 million from previous Israeli

As for the constant efforts to find Palestinians buried under the rubble of
bombarded homes, buildings, residential towers, and office buildings
despite the ongoing Israeli strikes, the Deputy Minister stated that Civil
Defense and Rescue Teams, as well as the locals, managed to locate the
corpses of 30 Palestinians, and saved 28 others.

In his report, the Deputy Minister said:

   1. The Israeli missiles and shells have displaced more than 120.000
   Palestinians; 50.000 of them are in make-shift temporary relocation
   centers. 70.000 residents sought shelter with relatives across the coastal
   2. 800 units were damaged by Israeli missiles; 1000 were destroyed, and
   1800 damaged and rendered unsafe.
   3. Five residential towers were destroyed by Israeli missiles in Gaza.
   4. Israeli missiles have destroyed 74 government-run facilities and
   public buildings, including police stations and public service centers, in
   addition to destroying three mosques and causing damage to 40 others, and
   one church.
   5. Various infrastructure facilities, water, sewage networks, and roads
   were also bombed.
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