[News] Clashes continue between Palestinians and occupation settlers, police

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Sat May 15 13:55:32 EDT 2021

continue between Palestinians and occupation settlers, police
May 15, 2021
[image: Israeli forces fire on Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah
neighbourhood of East Jerusalem on May 14, 2021. There has been clashes
between Jewish settlers and Palestinians who were trying to forcibly evict
Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of
East Jerusalem [Eyad Tawil / Anadolu Agency]]

Demonstrations and clashes have continued in several cities in the occupied
Palestinian territory for the fourth consecutive day, in condemnation of
the occupation's attack on the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood
Jerusalem and the other cities, as well as the continued bombardment of the
Gaza Strip.

The confrontations took place in Nazareth, Sakhnin, Al-Raynah, Shfaram,
Al-Taybah, Ararat Al-Muthalath, Tamra, Haifa, Al-Ba'nah, Deir Al-Assad,
Kafr Qara, Qalansuah, Araba, Baqa Al-Gharbiyya, and Kawkab Abu Al-Hija, as
well as Tuba Al-Zangariya, Kafr Manda, Jadidah Al-Makr, Yafa Al-Nazareth,
Kafr Kanna, Sha'ab and Jaffa, and other towns.

In the city of Lod
armed clashes took place between Palestinian citizens and settler gangs who
roamed the streets of Arab neighbourhoods aiming to attack and ambush Arab
citizens. There have been reports of shots fired at the city's Grand Mosque
while worshippers were still inside.

Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz extended the state of emergency in the
city for two days, while Internal Security Minister Amir Ohana visited the
city and praised the oppressive approach employed by the occupation forces
to repress the protests.

Settlers fired on Palestinian homes in Lod, prompting residents to defend
themselves and their children. This led to the outbreak of armed clashes
between the two sides, severely injuring one settler.

In the city of Jaffa, settlers, under the protection of the occupation
police, shot at the Siksik Mosque while worshippers were inside, according
to documented video footage captured by a citizen.

*Islamic Jihad Movement: 'Confrontations prove that Palestine is united and

In the village of Jadeidi-Makr, clashes between protesters and Israeli
police also erupted.

Sources reported that the house of the council chairman was targeted by
unknown persons, while military vehicles were seen roaming the streets of
the village.

In Sha'ab, the locals entered into confrontations with settlers who
attempted to storm the village from the eastern quarter. Witnesses said
that an electric power pole was set on fire, which caused a power outage in
the whole city.

In Shefa-Amr, the occupation police searched the homes of municipality
member Zuhair Karkabi and Murad Haddad, member of the National Democratic
Assembly's political bureau, and arrested them in connection with the
demonstrations that took place in the city over the past two days.

The occupation forces arrested at least 30 young men and a ten-year-old
child in Haifa and used sound bombs and tear gas to disperse a protest that
took place in Allenby Street against the settler attacks and in support of
Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

According to a local source, settlers entered the Wadi Al-Jamal
neighbourhood in cars and on motorbikes and fired and bombed Palestinian

Israeli police also shot and wounded an 18-year-old as demonstrators were
dispersed into Wadi Nisnas, Jaffa Street and the Abbas quarter, and violent
clashes erupted throughout the city.

In Haifa, a popular and civilian committee was formed to defend Palestinian
neighbourhoods following the settlers' successive attacks, supported by the
Israeli security apparatus.

*Hamas: 'We urge everyone to engage in open confrontation with the enemy'

Near the village of Kafr Manda, a 23-year-old Palestinian man sustained
injuries after being stabbed by settlers at the Hemovil intersection. He
was rushed by a rescue team to Poriya Hospital for treatment.

In the city of Nazareth, Israeli police raided a house of the Abbas family
in Al-Safafra neighbourhood and assaulted a young man in his 20s before
arresting him. Meanwhile, fights erupted between the Israeli police and
demonstrators in the city centre, which led to the arrests of many

Various parts of Nahf city witnessed power cuts that coincided with the
ongoing demonstrations, and at a time when the occupation forces gathered
at the entrance to the city.

In Shfaram, Sakhnin, Al-Raynah, Ararat Al-Muthalath, Al-Ba'neh, Deir
Al-Assad, Kawkab Abu Al-Hija, Tuba Al-Zanghariya, Kafr Manda, Tamra, Yafa
Al-Nazareth and Kafr Kanna, clashes took place between demonstrators and
Israeli police officers at the entrances to the towns.

In Kafr Qara and Qalansawe, demonstrators set fire to two Israeli police
stations and closed Street 65 at Kafr Qara's junction, while more than 20
young men were arrested.

The occupation police
arrested 374 people during the last 24 hours in connection with the
protests that took place in Palestinian towns last night.

In a related context, an Israeli court yesterday released four settlers
suspected of taking part in the murder of the martyr Musa Hassouna in the
city of Lod last Monday.

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