[News] Anonymous Colombia Puts Duque on the Ropes with Massive Hacking Operation

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Thu May 6 15:58:55 EDT 2021

Colombia Puts Duque on the Ropes with Massive Hacking OperationMay 6, 2021

The Anonymous group has been active during the human rights crisis in
Colombia, sending a strong message to Iván Duque and taking down webpages
of the Army, Senate, and Presidency.

On Tuesday, the international anarchist organization Anonymous reported
through social media networks that it had returned “to Colombia due to the
injustices generated” in the context of police and military repression
against protests that have left 19 dead, 89 disappeared, and hundreds
injured in the past week, according to the National Ombudsperson’s Office.
However, Anonymous often remains silent regarding the near-weekly massacres
that have occurred in the South American country since the signing of the
“peace” agreements in 2016, and even more frequently since Iván Duque took
office in late 2018. The United Nations reported 66 massacres in the year
2020 alone.

In a first action, Anonymous called the Government of the President of
Colombia, Iván Duque, a fascist and narco-paramilitary, and accused him of
perpetrating “the largest massacre recorded in the world during 2021.”

*Pitched battle in Colombia: Duque resorts to tanks*
“The pig government of Iván Duque and his *paraco* (paramilitary) boss
Álvaro Uribe is responsible for leading a massacre after a tax and health
reform, with which they seek to increase the hunger and poverty of the
people in the midst of the difficult situation of the COVID-19 pandemic,”
wrote the hacktivist group.

RELATED CONTENT: #SOSColombia: UN, EU & Rest of World Condemn Duque’s

Later, Anonymous confirmed that it had hacked the official pages of the
Army, the Senate, and the Presidency of Colombia, as a form of support for
civilians facing brutal repression.

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According to local media, the group revealed the email addresses and
passwords of at least 168 members of the Armed Forces. In addition,
Anonymous wrote in a tweet that the Army was generating “panic” with its
statements that guerrillas had been killing demonstrators, when in reality
it was the very same military that was “massacring its own people.”

Hours later, Anonymous infiltrated the Senate website and put it out of
service for a couple of hours. Towards the end the day, through Twitter,
Anonymous assumed responsibility for the hack of the Presidency’s website.

RELATED CONTENT: Colombia’s Piedad Córdoba Confronts Duque & his Vice
President: What Would This Pair be Saying if the Massacre was in Venezuela?
+ Facebook Censorship

Through that social network, Anonymous also said: “We will sabotage any
trend that is not relevant or that tries to divert attention from the
systematic violation of human rights that is taking place today in

*Why are Colombians protesting?*
The protests began on April 28 with a national strike called by various
social movements and trade union organizations, in rejection of a tax
reform proposal that would particularly affect working-class Colombians,
due to the expansion of the tax base and the collection of a Value Added
Tax (VAT) of 19%.

Despite the fact that the Colombian president withdrew the tax reform bill,
which led to the resignation of Finance Minister Alberto Carrasquilla, the
demonstrations have continued, based on a list of demands by the national
strike agenda including improvements to the inefficient health system,
addressing the murder of social leaders, and providing more economic
support for vulnerable sectors of the population during the pandemic. To
this is now added the demand that Duque’s administration determine
responsibility for the deaths and injuries in the mobilizations, and
account for the disappeared.

*Featured image: Colombian Army website, after the Anonymous hack, May 4,
2021. Photo courtesy of HispanTV.*

by Jose Manuel Blanco Diaz, with Orinoco Tribune content

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


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