[News] Bogotá Mobilizes Troops Only to Protect Terrorists Attacking Venezuela

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Mar 28 11:30:47 EDT 2021

Arreaza: Bogotá Mobilizes Troops Only to Protect Terrorists Attacking

[image: File photo courtesy of Ultimas Noticias.]

March 28, 2021

This Saturday, March 27, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister, Jorge
Arreaza, alerted Venezuelans and the world that the government of Iván
Duque in Colombia is protecting the Colombian paramilitary groups that in
recent days attacked a town in the Venezuelan border state Apure and were
repelled by the Venezuelan Army (FANB).

In this regard, Arreaza pointed out through his Twitter account,
@jaarreaza: “Let’s see: the FANB confronts and expels Colombian
paramilitary from Venezuela. They flee to Colombia. No one stops or
confronts them there. Bogotá sends military troops to the site. They do not
chase them, nor do they capture them. They mobilize troops [only] to
protect them. Alert! Let no one be fooled.”

RELATED CONTENT: Venezuelan Army Disarms Colombian Terrorist Cells in

On Tuesday night, armed groups from Colombia attacked the facilities of the
Integrated National Service of Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT) in
Victoria, Apure state. The Bolivarian government called these acts an
attack on the Venezuelan civilian population and denounced the oligarchic
interests governing the Nariño palace (Bogota) that want to start a war
against Venezuela.

For his part, the first vice president of PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, through a
post on his Twitter account, also accused the Colombian president of
protecting armed groups.

“The complicity and collusion between the Colombian narco-government and
the Colombian illegal armed groups is evident,” wrote Cabello. “When
Venezuela defends its territory, they flee to Colombian soil where the
authorities, far from attacking them, protect them. Know it: We will win!!”
the post concluded.

*Featured image: File photo courtesy of Ultimas Noticias.*

(Ultimas Noticias
by Odry Farnetano

Translation: Orinoco Tribune


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