[News] Take Action! Haiti Action Alert

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jun 18 12:43:17 EDT 2021

Haiti Action AlertUS-UN-OAS Stop Supporting Dictatorship in Haiti!

The Biden Administration continues to back an increasingly autocratic 
Jovenel Moise regime in Haiti. Moise’s dictatorial grip on power and his 
plans to hold an illegal constitutional referendum and sham elections 
have been contested by every sector of Haitian society. Just weeks ago, 
throughout Haiti, people in cities and towns marked Haitian Flag Day 
with renewed protests, while Haitians marched in Washington DC and other 
cities to denounce US support for the Haitian ruler. On June 18th, 
Haitian organizations in the diaspora are again mobilizing to denounce 
the increasingly isolated regime. Faced with this spiralling opposition, 
Moise  had to postpone the referendum, originally scheduled for June 
27th. The US State Department, which for months has refused to condemn 
the referendum, finally issued a statement of opposition.

Moise continues to insist that a referendum will be held. And the Biden 
Administration continues to back Moise in his plans to hold phony 
elections aimed at solidifying his party’s rule over Haiti. US 
diplomatic, economic, and military aid empower Moise to further 
undermine democracy in Haiti, reinforce the power of the Haitian elite 
and exclude the Haitian majority - a process set in motion with the 2004 
coup that overthrew President Aristide’s democratic government.

The UN has already provided  $20 million and material/logistical support 
for Moise’s illegal referendum and planned elections, including training 
the murderous Haitian National Police to provide election security. Now 
the Organization of American States (OAS) has sent a delegation to 
Haiti, financed by the US, to provide legitimacy for these fake 
elections. Those of us who support the popular movement in Haiti need to 
act now.

Contact US and UN officials with these demands:


    Withdraw all US/UN/OAS support for the dictatorship of Jovenel Moise.


    US/UN/OAS must oppose any sham elections organized by the Moise regime.


    US/UN/OAS must denounce any new attempt by the Moise dictatorship to
    reschedule the illegal referendum.


    US/UN! Stop funding the Haitian National Police and the Haitian Army
    - the regime’s repressive security forces.

President Joe Biden:tweet at POTUS;email https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact 

Secretary of State Antony Blinken: tweet @SecBlinken; ph: 202-647-4000; 
email https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform 

Secretary General of the UN António Guterres: tweet @antonioguterres; 
ph: (212) 963-7160


    The State Department has endorsed Moise’s illegitimate claim to
    another year in power, despite rulings by the Haitian Bar
    Association, the Supreme Court and a broad consensus among Haiti’s
    citizens that his term ended on February 7, 2021.


    Moise continues to press forward with his illegal referendum to
    change Haiti’s constitution.  The proposed changes amount to
    institutionalizing and legalizing dictatorship. Drafted by Moise
    appointees, the new constitution would restructure the government to
    centralize power in the presidency, legalize land grabs, and protect
    members of the administration from prosecution. This legalized
    impunity would do away with cases in Haitian courts involving
    corruption such as the stolen PetroCaribe funds and crimes against
    humanity related to the massacres and assassinations perpetrated by
    the regime.


    The United Nations is actively providing support for the referendum,
    despite having made public statements of concern about its lack of
    transparency and inclusion. The UN has allocated $20 million to
    support the referendum and has agreed to provide logistical support
    to hold the vote. The UN will also assist the repressive Haitian
    National Police to develop an election security strategy.


    The Biden Administration persists in calling for immediate Haiti
    though elections do not equal democracy when they are held under the
    auspices of an illegitimate president who is ruling by decree in the
    absence of a functioning legislature, who kills and imprisons his
    opponents and responds to popular protests with an iron fist. UN
    funds are already in place to provide technical support for the

Haitians are calling on the Biden Administration to stop supporting 
Moise and cease calling for fake elections controlled by a dictatorial 
regime. If not, they warn 
the US will be responsible “for every kidnapping, every political 
assassination, every disappearing of young activists staged by the 
totalitarian and criminal PHTK government they are supporting.”

The recent success of the TPS campaign, led by determined Haiti 
immigration activists, proves that public pressure works. After 
shamelessly deporting more Haitians in a few months thanTrump did in an 
entire year 
the Biden administration reinstated TPS, giving welcome temporary relief 
to undocumented Haitians living in the US. Now we must go further to 
address conditions in Haiti that force people to flee in the first 
place. We must demand an end to US support for Jovenel Moise, demand the 
US/UN condemn his illegal referendum to impose a new constitution and 
fake elections. We must demand an end to US/foreign intervention in 
Haiti. Respect the Haitian people’s right to decide how to best move 
forward. US/UN Out of Haiti! US/UN Stop Supporting Dictatorship in 
Haiti! No to Support for the Regime’s Constitutional Referendum! US/UN 
Stop Funding Police Terror in Haiti!

Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702
https://haitisolidarity.net <https://haitisolidarity.net>


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