[News] May was marked by extreme violence by the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime over the entirety of the occupied Palestinian territory

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 17 11:13:46 EDT 2021



*Monthly Newsletter-May 2021* 

The past month have been marked by extreme violence by the Israeli 
occupation and apartheid regime over the entirety of the occupied 
Palestinian territory, whether it be against Palestinians in Jerusalem, 
the West Bank, Gaza, or the 1948 occupied territories. The events span 
restrictions of movement near Damascus Gate, the storming of Al-Aqsa 
mosque and assault of worshippers, and the imminent threat of forced 
expulsion of eight Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah, which in 
turn led to the Israeli occupation’s mass repression of Palestinian 
solidarity movements across the oPt. To compound upon this, Israeli 
bombardment of Gaza targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure by 
carrying out indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force.


*General Update on Palestinian Prisoners* 

In May 2021, at least 3100 Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and 
1948 occupied territories were arrested and/or detained during random 
and organized arrest campaigns. The largest proportion of these arrests 
were in the 1948 occupied territories, where almost 2000 arrests took 
place, among them 291 children. The number of arrests of Palestinian 
women have yet to be ascertained. Similarly, in the occupied West Bank 
and Jerusalem a campaign of arbitrary arrests led to over 1,100 arrests, 
including 180 children, and 42 women and girls. The highest of these 
arrests took place in Jerusalem, with 677 arrests.


*HRC 30th Special Session: Call on the UN Human Rights Council to Adopt 
a Resolution on the Grave Human Rights Situation in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem and In Israe* 

On 27 May 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) held a 
Special Sessionin relation to the escalating human rights violations 
against the Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line. 
Palestinian civil society, supported by a coalition of 120 regional and 
international organizations, campaigned member states to support a 
resolution establishing an independent commission of inquiry. The 
adoption of the historic resolution, with 24 in favor, against, and 14 
abstention establishes the first ongoing Commission of Inquiry to 
address Israel’s violations against the Palestinian people on both sides 
of the Green Line.


*Joint Written Submission on Israel’s Escalation of Systematic Arbitrary 
Arrests and Detention Campaigns against Palestinians on Both Sides of 
the Green Lin 

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq, Al 
Mezan, PCHR, and CIHRS submitted a joint written submission, ahead of 
the upcoming 47th regular session of the United Nations (UN) Human 
Rights Council, which will be held between 21 June and 15 July 2021. The 
submission, under Item 7, focused on Israel’s latest large-scale 
campaign of systematic arbitrary arrest and detention of Palestinians on 
both sides of the Green Line. Affirming that these arrests are a 
continuation of a long-established policy used to intimidate and silence 
Palestinians, the submission further highlighted that these campaigns, 
carried out on both sides of the Green Line, are upheld by Israel’s 
apartheid judicial system, which systematically grants impunity to 
Israeli occupying forces, police, and settlers, while upholding 
indictments submitted against Palestinian detainees and ignoring 
evidence of their physical assault

Click here to read the Newsletter 

Addameer, Prisonner Support and Human Rights Association
info at addameer.ps






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