[News] Israel and its western allies have run out of Palestinian enforcers

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Fri Jun 11 11:35:39 EDT 2021


  Israel and its western allies have run out of Palestinian enforcers

Joseph Massad - June 11, 2021

In the wake of the recent Israeli onslaught 
against the Palestinian people in Israel, Gaza and the occupied West 
Bank, including Jerusalem, the strength of Palestinian resistance 
against the might of the Israeli war machine worried Israel’s imperial 

The US, its European Union and UK imperial allies, and its Arab 
allies panicked and rushed to ensure the status of Israel as a Jewish 
supremacist and apartheid settler-colony.

In that vein, the Biden administration has been endeavouring to prove 
that it is even more pro-Israel than the Trump and Obama administrations 
- if this is even possible. Its efforts have included repeatedly 
UN Security Council resolutions that condemned Israel, which led even 
the fanatically pro-Israel EU 
leadership to worry that Biden was no different from Trump on Israel.

    The drive to subdue the Palestinian people has been the principal
    condition since Britain conquered Palestine in late 1917

As the Israeli <https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/rJU20kYFO> newspaper 
Yedioth Ahronoth 
uncovered, it was, in fact, at the request of shocked Israeli leaders 
that US President Joe Biden immediately set out to contact Egypt. He 
also contacted Jordan and Qatar to help curtail Palestinian resistance 
in order to ensure that international pressure to dismantle the racist 
nature of Israel does not intensify further.

This is important, as UN-commissioned experts issued a report 
in 2017, as did Israeli and US human rights groups 
more recently, finding that the Jewish settler-colony is nothing less 
than an apartheid state, which could lead to more pressure to dismantle 
its very foundations. When the foreign minister 
<https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-27-2021/> of France worried 
that Israel was at risk of “long-lasting apartheid”, the situation 
became grave.

The new-old solution that the US 
and its European and Arab allies 
offer is the two-state solution, which would maintain Israel as a Jewish 
supremacist and apartheid state, but would allow a phantom 
pseudo-Palestinian state to exist in the manner of the bantustan 
homelands under apartheid South Africa.

In light of the military performance of the Gaza-based Palestinian 
resistance, Hamas was told by the EU 
that it could be invited to the negotiating table if it would reconcile 
with the Palestinian Authority (PA); implying also to the EU that Hamas 
accepted the Oslo Accords 
recognising Israel’s right to be a Jewish supremacist and apartheid 
state. Biden has insisted 
that “until the region says unequivocally they acknowledge the right of 
Israel to exist as an independent Jewish state, there will be no peace”.

      Revolt suppressed

This is hardly a new imperial ploy. The drive to subdue the Palestinian 
people and coerce them into recognising the right of their European 
Jewish colonisers to rob them of their homeland has been the principal 
condition since Britain conquered Palestine in late 1917 
At the time, the Palestinian response to British colonialism and Jewish 
settler-colonialism was adamantly hostile, which impelled the British to 
embark - as it had done with the rest of its colonial possessions - on a 
policy of divide-and-conquer on the one hand, and of outright 
co-optation on the other.


Israel-Palestine: Apartheid cannot be defeated without armed resistance


At the time, Palestinian elites competed to curry favour with the 
British, in hopes of swaying them against Zionist colonisation. They 
established several bodies to speak on behalf of Palestinian interests, 
most prominently the Arab Executive 
established in 1920 - but the British refused to recognise any such body 
unless it recognised in turn the main purpose of the British colonial 
mandate over Palestine, namely facilitating European Jewish 
settler-colonisation, which the Palestinians refused to do.

The Palestinians would soon be divided into three main groups in 
reaction to their colonial condition. A group of elite landowners and 
merchants who served the Ottoman Empire and who cooperated with the 
British in containing Palestinian popular protests against the British 
and the Zionists and to safeguard their own class interests; a second 
smaller group of Palestinian landowners and merchants who collaborated 
outright with the British and the Zionists and accepted bribes from 
both; and the mass of the Palestinian people, especially the peasants, 
but also including intellectuals associated with the “Istiqlal 
(Independence) Party” in the early 1930s, who chose resistance to the 
British and the Zionists in contrast with the cooperating and 
collaborating elites.

The British-appointed Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini 
<https://www.britannica.com/biography/Amin-al-Husayni> and his elite 
followers helped the British in subduing Palestinian resistance from the 
early 1920s until 1935, when they were no longer able to contain a 
massive Palestinian revolt that continued from 1936 to 1939 and was 
savagely suppressed by the British and the Zionists. Husseini ultimately 
had no choice but to support the revolt, and was thus no longer of use 
to the British, who removed him as mufti. He fled the country 
<https://www.britannica.com/biography/Amin-al-Husayni> to escape arrest.

A picture dated before 1937 during the British Mandate in Palestine 
shows Arabs demonstrating in the Old City of Jerusalem against the 
Jewish immigration to Palestine (AFP)

A picture dated before 1937 during the British Mandate in Palestine 
shows Arabs demonstrating in the Old City of Jerusalem against the 
Jewish immigration to Palestine (AFP)

The British Colonial Office continued to search in vain for more a 
“moderate” leadership. What better strategy, already successfully 
deployed in other colonial possessions, than to have Palestinians aid 
British troops and Zionist colonists in murdering the resisting 
Palestinians and suppressing their anti-colonial revolt, while claiming 
to defend them. The search succeeded in finding such collaborators, but 
not in gaining them legitimacy in the eyes of the Palestinian people, 
who regarded them as traitors.

To that end, the British organised a Palestinian mercenary force, which 
they named the “peace bands” 
<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0022009415572401>, in 
1938, which embarked on helping the British military and the Jewish 
death squads (their official name was the “Special Night Squads”) in 
murdering the revolutionaries and instilling terror in Palestinian 
society. Unfortunately for the British, the two main Palestinian 
collaborators who headed the “peace bands” were assassinated 
<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0022009415572401> in 1941 
and 1943.

      Collaborators and enforcers

Nonetheless, the precedent of recruiting Palestinians to shoot their own 
people - as the British had done in other colonies in Asia and Africa 
just as effectively - was set. Moreover, leaders of neighbouring Arab 
countries were brought in by the British to apply pressure on the 
Palestinians to stop their revolt.

After Israel was established, it also recruited Palestinian 
collaborators, but failed to lend them legitimacy in the eyes of its 
captive Palestinian population. Following its conquest of the West Bank 
and Gaza, it tried again to enlist more collaborators through mayoral 
elections in 1972 
and 1976 
and through its subsequent Village Leagues 
project, but failed.

Israel and its imperial sponsors’ efforts would, however, be fruitful in 
the late 1980s. It was then that the Palestine Liberation Organization 
(PLO), which had gained legitimacy internationally since the early 1970s 
as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, was 
told to accept Israel’s right to be a Jewish supremacist apartheid 
state, in exchange for recognition of the PLO.

The Arafat leadership did just that, transforming themselves into 
collaborators with Israel and enforcers of its settler-colonial, 
apartheid occupation. The PA, created from Oslo 
set out immediately to create its security forces, trained and financed 
by the US and Europe 
to attack resisting Palestinians, just as the 1938 “peace bands” had 
done against the Palestinian revolutionaries of the 1930s.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks in Ramallah on 25 May 2021 (AFP)

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks in Ramallah on 25 May 2021 (AFP)

Their first act in November 1994 was to shoot 
and kill 13 Palestinian civilians and wound 200 in Gaza for protesting 
against this collaboration - an inaugural performance that set the stage 
for their violent suppression of the Palestinian people ever since.

      PA's legitimacy gap

The panic that has gripped the US, Europe, Arab client regimes and the 
PA since the recent heroic Palestinian resistance 
stems from the major loss in international standing of the PA, which was 
sidelined during the latest revolt, and indeed helped in suppressing it. 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas 
reportedly issued orders to put down support for Hamas and the 
resistance in the occupied West Bank during the revolt.

Whereas the PA had lost all legal legitimacy as an unelected body since 
2007 <https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56929547>, and Abbas 
lost his in 2009 
its official pretence of suppressing Palestinian anti-colonial 
resistance in order to defend Palestinians against colonialism was no 
longer sustainable internationally.

    Only the gullible believe that a continuation of this strategy will
    forestall the massive Palestinian anti-colonial revolt to come,
    whose aims have now been declared to the entire world

Swift action had to be taken to save the PA as an instrument of 
Palestinian submission. Egypt, Jordan and Qatar were asked to help the 
US  by pumping money 
into PA coffers, supposedly for the reconstruction of Gaza.

Meanwhile, the EU 
offered Hamas the possibility of coming to the negotiating table 
provided it reconciled with the PA, which would indicate that Hamas 
recognises Israel’s right to be a Jewish supremacist and apartheid state 
- in line with EU “values” 

But these are all tired, old strategies, as the US, EU, their Arab 
allies and Israel know very well. The rhetoric of the two-state solution 
the restoration of PA legitimacy, and the hope that a new Israeli 
can uphold the basis of Israel as a Jewish supremacist, apartheid state 
- while calling it “a Jewish and democratic state” - aim not to redress 
the Palestinian colonial condition, but rather to extend the status quo 
indefinitely, as Israel's settler-colonisation proceeds unhindered.

The colonial attempt since the end of World War I to appoint Palestinian 
collaborators as leaders of the Palestinian people at the behest of 
western imperialism and Jewish settler-colonialism has achieved only 
temporary and partial success, but it has always ultimately failed to 
bring about a final legitimation of Israel.

Only the gullible believe that a continuation of this strategy will 
forestall the massive Palestinian anti-colonial revolt to come, whose 
aims have now been declared to the entire world: the complete 
dismantlement of Jewish supremacy and the Israeli apartheid regime from 
the river to the sea.

/The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not 
necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye./

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