[News] Oakland dockworkers refuse to unload Israeli cargo ship - ship pulls out of port with its cargo intact

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Sat Jun 5 11:15:04 EDT 2021


  Oakland dockworkers refuse to unload Israeli cargo ship - ship pulls
  out of port with its cargo intact

June 4, 2021
Protesters hold signs in front of cargo ships

Hundreds of Bay Area activists and dockworkers picketed at the Port of 
Oakland, successfully preventing an Israeli vessel from unloading, 4 
June. (Brooke Anderson <https://www.facebook.com/movementphotographer>)

Hundreds of activists and dockworkers responded to an international call 
to action 
<https://blocktheboat.org/nationwide-week-of-action-6-2-to-6-9/> and 
successfully prevented an Israel-owned vessel from unloading its cargo 
at Oakland in California on Friday.

At around 6pm, the /Volans/, a cargo vessel owned and operated 
by the ZIM shipping corporation, pulled out of port with its cargo intact.

It was apparently bound for Los Angeles, according to an online schedule.

Protesters had prevented the ship from docking at Oakland for more than 
two weeks after its scheduled arrival date.

The vessel ostensibly attempted to avoid the picket line.

“By refusing to unload Israeli cargo, Oakland workers are throwing a 
wrench in the Israeli economy and putting pressure on Israeli 
apartheid,” tweeted 
<https://twitter.com/jvplive/status/1398016611102064640> Jewish Voice 
for Peace.

“Each day the ZIM ship can’t unload, the largest Israeli shipping 
company loses millions of [dollars],” the group added.

“We are sending a strong message that profiteering from Israel’s 
apartheid and ongoing violence against the Palestinian people will not 
be welcome in the Bay Area,” stated Lara Kiswani, executive director of 
the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.

Her group has led the global #BlockTheBoat coalition 
<https://blocktheboat.org/endorsers/> organizing to prevent Israeli 
cargo ships from unloading.

At the break of dawn, at least 500 activists picketed at six different 
gates to ensure that the Israeli-operated ship could not offload its 

“We just declared victory for the morning shift in preventing workers, 
having workers honor our picket line and not unloading an Israeli 
ZIM-operated ship at the Port of Oakland,” Mohamed Shekh of the Arab 
Resource and Organizing Center told The Electronic Intifada.

Later on in the day, activists reanimated the picket line as a new shift 
of dockworkers clocked in.

Workers with 10 local chapters of the International Longshore and 
Warehouse Union <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/ilwu> (ILWU) in 
Northern California had released a statement of solidarity 
with Palestinian trade unionists on 25 May, condemning Israeli attacks 
on Gaza and the ongoing expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 

The ILWU stood firm for Palestinian rights and prevented ZIM ships from 
docking in 2010 
and again in 2014 
the last time that ZIM-owned shipping vessels were able to use the 
Oakland port.

Since then, ZIM ships have not tried to dock at the Oakland port – until 
this past month.

“Rank-and-file members of ILWU Local 10 stand against Israeli apartheid 
and with our brothers and sisters in Palestine,” union member Jimmy 
Salameh stated.

Shekh told The Electronic Intifada that community organizers have been 
working closely with ILWU members to maintain the protest.

“The rank and file members were right there, standing beside the picket 
– and stated their commitment to honor the picket and to really show 
their solidarity with the workers of Palestine,” he said.

There are simultaneous actions 
<https://blocktheboat.org/actions-by-city/> being planned at other ports 
on the US and Canadian west coast, as well as at docks in New York, New 
Jersey and Houston, Texas.

Activists say they are ready to continue the picket line actions to 
ensure that the ZIM cargo is not handled or unloaded, as long as necessary.

“We will continue to do that until it is clear to ZIM that it will not 
be able to unload cargo and that it will have to leave,” Shekh said.

Listen to the interview with Mohamed Shekh:

    Honoring the Palestinian picket line

The ILWU has a long history of honoring picket lines.

In 1978 and 1980, ILWU refused to load military cargo headed for Chile 
and El Salvador respectively. And in 1984, the union refused to unload a 
South African ship for 11 straight days.

But port workers around the world have backed the boycott call made by 
Palestinian trade unionists for more than a decade.

In 2009, the Durban-based South African Transport and Allied Workers 
Union refused <https://countercurrents.org/essa110209.htm> to offload an 
Israel-owned cargo ship.

Durban dockworkers again took the same action 
last month in protest of Israel’s crimes in Gaza.

Earlier in May, as Israeli airstrikes pounded Gaza, dockworkers in 
Livorno, Italy, announced 
they were refusing to load a shipment of weapons headed for Israel.

“The port of Livorno will not be an accomplice in the massacre of the 
Palestinian people,” members of L’Unione Sindacale di Base said in a 

Israel’s largest trade union, the Histadrut, “ordered Ashdod and Haifa 
port workers to decline service to all Italy-bound ships in response,” 
to the JTA.

Italy’s embassy in Israel also pressured the Italian dockworkers to 
break that strike.

Workers at Italy’s Ravenna port also planned 
<https://www.cgilra.it/news-dettaglio.aspx?id=4408> a strike for 3 June, 
stating that they “refuse to load weapons, explosives or other war 
material” destined for Israel.

The strike was called off after the vessel’s owner decided 
to cancel the shipment – a win for the workers.

The victory at the Port of Oakland “is a win for the international 
movement to boycott, divest and sanction the apartheid state of Israel,” 
the Arab Resource and Organizing Center stated.

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