[News] Men, Women Fighters, and Che Guevara Banners: Socialists of Gaza Take Center Stage (PHOTOS)

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Thu Jun 3 19:17:29 EDT 2021

Women Fighters, and Che Guevara Banners: Socialists of Gaza Take Center
Stage (PHOTOS)
June 3, 2021
Palestinian women fighters take part in the PFLP rally in Gaza. (Photo:
Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

*By Palestine Chronicle Staff

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Palestine’s
largest socialist movement, held a large rally in Gaza City on Wednesday,
June 2.

The rally was held under the banner of celebrating the victory of the
Resistance in the latest Israeli war on the besieged Strip, which started
on May 10 and lasted for 11 days.

The rally was also motivated by another objective, asserting the centrality
of the socialist movement in Palestinian resistance and political

Thousands of Palestinians, mostly PFLP supporters, turned out to the
massive rally, where hundreds of men and women fighters marched in the
Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City.

“From the top of the ruins of our homes, leveled to the ground by our enemy
to break the will of our people and our Resistance, we insist that
Palestine is one and that we do not accept compromises, backdoor dealings
or divisions,” Jamil Muzher, a top PFLP official in Gaza, said.

“We bring to you greetings from the Secretary-General (of the PFLP) Ahmad
Sa’adat to the Arab and Palestinian people and to the free people of the
world as we celebrate the victory of our people everywhere,” Muzher said in
reference to the imprisoned leader of the PFLP. Sa’adat has been a prisoner
in Israel since 2002*.*

Muzher also commended the “tough resisters” of the PFLP’s armed wing, Abu
Ali Mustafa Brigades, along with the armed wings of all Palestinian
political groups, including Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and other

“Our people have fought for over 73 years and resisted in every possible
form including popular and armed resistance,” Muzher said, vowing to
continue on the same path.

The rally, which was joined by the Palestine Chronicle correspondent in the
Gaza Strip, featured men and women fighters, Che Guevara banners, and
posters of Palestinian prisoners from the socialist movement.

The rally is considered the largest of its kind in Gaza in many years.

Below, is a selection of exclusive photos from the PFLP rally. For the full
gallery, visit the Palestine Chronicle page on Facebook.

*(All Photos: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)*

*(The Palestine Chronicle)*

(The Palestine Chronicle is a registered
<https://www.palestinechronicle.com/about/> 501(c)3 organization, thus, all
donations are tax deductible.)
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