[News] Islamic Jihad refuses linking Gaza reconstruction to detained Israelis

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Fri Jul 2 14:17:53 EDT 2021

Jihad refuses linking Gaza reconstruction to detained Israelis
July 1, 2021

Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza Strip, Ahmad Al-Mudallal, today rejected
linking the file of Israeli prisoners of war held in the Strip to that of
the reconstruction of the besieged enclave following Israel's latest

"The rebellious youth in the Gaza Strip are launching incendiary balloons
[into Israel] as an expression of public anger against the [Israeli]
occupation's practices, which is procrastinating in implementing the terms
of a ceasefire agreement signed with the resistance," Al-Mudallal said.

In an interview with *Palestine Today*, Al-Mudallal said the Israelis
living in the area around Gaza will not enjoy stability or security as long
as our people in Gaza, Jerusalem, the West Bank and within the Green Line
do not enjoy them.

"The issue of [detained Israelis] is separate, and will be resolved
according to an honourable exchange process based on liberating our male
and female prisoners from the [Israeli] occupation's prisons. As for
reconstruction and lifting the siege, this is another issue related to the
agreement concluded between the [Palestinian] resistance and the Zionist
occupation under Egyptian auspices," he added.

Al-Mudallal called on the Egyptian leadership
and all mediators to pressure Israel to implement the terms of the
ceasefire agreement.

He also held Israel fully responsible for any escalation in the region as
an outcome of the siege
imposed on Gaza and Israel's systematic ethnic cleansing
of Palestinians in Jerusalem.

*READ: Israel insists it will not ease siege imposed on Gaza
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