[News] Freedom Archives Summer 2021 Newsletter

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jul 2 13:36:34 EDT 2021

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*Summer 2021*

Dear Friends,

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been able to more fully interact 
with a number of members in our community and we’re channeling that 
energy to everyone – hoping you’ve been able to safely and intentionally 
begin to reconnect with family, friends and the people and spaces you 
value. Here’s what we’ve been up to!

*The Search for a New Home*

Over the past months we’ve reviewed many property listings, taken tours 
and crunched numbers. Overwhelming, yes – but we’re committed to finding 
a home that gives us the space, accessibility and foundation to continue 
to grow and nourish our work. We see this as a way to ensure the legacy 
of these movement histories, stories of resistance, and the culture of 
our most robust struggles.

*Art Against Imprisonment*

In March we launched a powerful virtual art exhibit featuring art from 
incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in occupied Palestine and 
the US titled “Art Against Imprisonment – From Palestine to the US” This 
collaborative project grew out of a long history of active solidarity 
between movements against imprisonment in the US and Palestine and 
continues work we engaged in during our 2016 delegation to Palestine. 
The art featured on the website is a testament to the creativity, 
imagination and brilliance of the many people who resist the 
invisibility, isolation and repression of prisons – people who claim 
liberated spaces by creating art.

View the Art Show <https://artagainstprison.org/>
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Image: Logo created by Heba Hamarsheh

Image: /A Message from behind prison bars to my patient mother on the 
occasion of Mother’s day/ by Amer Qawasmi et al., 1995.

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Image: Equipto at the Freedom Archives, 2021

*Art Sato's /In Your Ear /Preservation Project*

Spearheaded by Art and his son Equipto, we undertook the preservation of 
over 90 in-depth interviews by Art Sato with innovative practitioners of 
jazz and Latin music. Art is a leading authority on jazz history and 
culture and has hosted */In Your Ear, /*a unique weekly radio series on 
KPFA-FM in Berkeley, California from 1981 to the present. Also available 
on the project page is an original interview conducted with Art by 
Equipto covering Art’s life and inspirations, the history of */In Your 
Ear /*and stories to better understand the complex and central role jazz 
has played in our national culture and around the world.

Art Sato's /In Your Ear/ Preservation Project 

Image: Art Sato at KPFA - Early 1980s

*Santa Cruz Women's Prison Project*

We recently finished processing a new collection of materials related to 
Bay Area women’s prison organizing during the 1970s, the Santa Cruz 
Women’s Prison Project (SCWPP). Through photographs, newsletters, 
reports, correspondence, poetry chapbooks, and more, this collection 
documents SCWPP’s prison work at the California Institution for Women 
(CIW), where the organization launched an educational project that 
provided UC extension credit for classes such as creative writing, 
women’s health, and social action. The project marked the first time 
that college credit was granted to prisoners in the history of the 
institution and exemplifies the robust inside/outside organizing and 
exchanges possible despite prison walls. View the collection here 

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Image: Women's Prison Coalition Western Region Newsletter, Spring 1978

Santa Cruz Women's Prison Project Collection 

*Preserve the Past, Illuminate the Present, Shape the Future*

As always, we continue to process new archival items, provide materials 
for books, films and articles, and participate in a wide array of 
projects, online presentations, and more!

We depend on you to continue to build, as we have for the last 22 years! 
Thank you for your continued support. Please consider donating online, 
becoming a monthly sustainer or by sending us a check in the enclosed 

May you and yours continue to remain healthy and engaged!

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