[News] Venezuela: Guaido Has Over €2 Billion in European Bank Accounts

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 18 18:09:25 EST 2021


  Venezuela: Guaido Has Over €2 Billion in European Bank Accounts

January 18, 2021

“Mr. Juan Guaidó will have to say where he got the 2 billion euros that 
he has deposited in European bank accounts and a 77-foot yacht that he 
has in Fort Lauderdale, Florida [United States], which has even been 
visited by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio,” Amoroso declared.


    *Venezuela Reveals Proof of Guaido Involvement in Foiled Plot*

“They have to explain to the people of Venezuela how they have obtained 
the money, how is it that Mr. [Julio] Borges lives in a mansion in 
Bogotá. How did they get all this property? It is important to know 
these things,” said the Comptroller General at a press conference, 
during which he urged the outgoing lawmakers of the National Assembly to 
make their sworn declaration of assets, a mandatory procedure for 
deputies after ending their political duties.

Similarly, Amoroso made it clear that the new lawmakers must also make a 
similar declaration of their assets within the first 30 days after being 
sworn in.

*"Comptroller Elvis Amoroso noted that Juan Guaidó has a bank account in 
the E.U. for more than $2 billion."*

During the meeting with the media held at the headquarters of the Office 
of the Comptroller, Amoroso announced that in the coming day's new 
regulators will be installed in the National Assembly (AN), to place 
under scrutiny the administrative processes of the outgoing management, 
which was led by the opposition and has left the AN administrative 
building in deplorable conditions.

Amoroso concluded that “failure to carry out their [outgoing deputies] 
termination of duties will generate an administrative procedure."

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