[News] White Settler Uprising at the Capitol

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Wed Jan 13 18:52:20 EST 2021


*White Settler Uprising at the Capitol*
Glen Ford, BAR Executive Editor
<https://www.blackagendareport.com/author/Glen Ford, BAR Executive Editor>
14 Jan 2021

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[image: White Settler Uprising at the Capitol]
White Settler Uprising at the Capitol

Last week’s assault on the Capitol was essentially a race riot, the product
of white racial grievance.

*“Race has been as central to Donald Trump’s presidency as it was to
Woodrow Wilson’s, a century ago.”*

“If it can happen in the United States, it can happen anywhere,” wrote *New
York Times* Berlin bureau chief Katrin Bennhold
purporting to sum up world leaders’ reaction to the white nationalist
assault on the U.S. Capitol. The truth is precisely the opposite: mob
violence by white people aggrieved at perceived threats to their political
hegemony due to the growing influence or presence of the Other — most
often, Blacks — is trademark *Americana*, an historically repetitive
phenomena that is, to varying degrees, also characteristic of other white
settler states that share the U.S.’s genocidal history. It cannot “happen
anywhere,” because similar conditions and histories do not exist
everywhere. Bennhold’s interpretation of global sentiment is pure American
exceptionalist propaganda — an erasure of U.S. history to project a false
view of the present. (In fact, the only world semi-notable who mouthed
words similar to Bennhold’s was former Romanian prime minister Dacian Cioloş

White mobs and armed groups have been inflicting violence against the
non-white presence in their colonial settler state ever since their
ancestors arrived on these shores. The Puritans – a colony-in-arms — had
all but completed the mission of racially “purifying” New England within a
century of setting foot at Plymouth Rock. Far more Native Americans were
killed by massed, armed settler civilians than by uniformed armies of the
British Crown or the young U.S. republic. Whites in the slave states of the
U.S. South were a people perpetually in arms in “defense” against slave
rebellions, with every able-bodied white man obligated to aid in
suppressing real or threatened Black revolts. Hundreds of Blacks were
massacred in the wake of Nat Turner’s 1831 rebellion.

*“Mob violence **is trademark **Americana, an historically repetitive
phenomena that is, to varying degrees, also characteristic of other white
settler states.”*

Northern white mobs also rejected the Black presence in their cities in the
pre-Civil War era. Racists attempted to drive Black people out of
Cincinnati, Ohio, three times: in 1829, 1836 and 1841. (In 1853 and 1855,
white Cincinnati nativists also fought with German immigrants who had been
influenced by revolutionary trends in Europe.)

After the Civil War, white mobs and racist armies spent 30 years subduing
Black Reconstruction, from the New Orleans massacre of 1866
the armed overthrow of the Black Republican-white Populist government in
Wilmington, <https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/wilmington-massacre-2/>
Carolina’s largest city, in 1898. During this period tens of thousands were
killed — far more than the four thousand-plus Black lynching victims
recorded by the great journalist/organizer Ida B. Wells

White civilians annihilated the remaining natives of California in the gold
and land rushes, and terrorized and forced the mass expulsion of Chinese
from the state.

For the first 160 years of the U.S. republic’s life, the term “race riot”
applied almost exclusively to white mob attacks on non-whites. Every boxing
victory won by Black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson set off lethal
<https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/unforgivable-blackness/about-the-film> by
northern and southern whites in the early years of the 20th century. The “Red
of 1919, dubbed such by the Black public intellectual and activist James
Weldon Johnson <https://time.com/5636454/what-is-red-summer/>, saw white
“race riots” in dozens of cities and the massacre of hundreds of Blacks in
rural areas around Elaine, Arkansas. In Washington, DC, however, Blacks
fought back, killing 15 white attackers while losing 38 to the mob.
Heartened by the Black resistance to armed racist assault, Black poet and
activist Claude McKay wrote the poem, *If We Must Die

*“… O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!*

*Though far outnumbered let us show us brave,*

*And for their thousand blows deal one death-blow!*

*What though before us lies the open grave?*

*Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,*

*Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back!”*

Just as the current president is blamed for inciting the white mob in
Washington, President Woodrow Wilson was viewed as a prime instigator of
mass racist violence during his terms in the White House, including the East
St. Louis riot
claimed the lives of hundreds of Black people in 1917. An arch-
introduced Jim Crow to the federal civil service, Wilson endorsed the Ku
Klux Klan-glorifying film *Birth of a Nation* as “History written in
lighting,” <https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_birth.html> in
1915. The presidentially-endorsed movie ushered in a “gilded age for the
Klan. In the summer of 1925, 30,000 hooded terrorists
in a show of force in Washington, DC.

*“President Woodrow Wilson was viewed as a prime instigator of mass racist
violence during his terms in the White House.”*

The term “race riot” was synonymous with white mob attacks against people
of color until 1935, when an estimated 4,000 Blacks in Harlem, New York,
took to the streets against police brutality
Harlem exploded again in 1943
<https://www.britannica.com/topic/Harlem-race-riot-of-1943>, for the same
reasons, establishing the modern pattern of police repression/Black urban
resistance. (The “Zoot Suit” riot by white servicemen and cops against
Latinos in 1943 Los Angeles
a mixture of both old and new patterns of white domestic aggression.)

Police repression/Black urban resistance has become such a part of the
modern American experience that white mob violence is often not
characterized as a “race riot” – especially if the rioters are cops.

Race has been as central to Donald Trump’s presidency as it was to Woodrow
Wilson’s, a century ago. Last week’s assault on the Capitol was essentially
a race riot, the product of white racial grievance. Since 1968, the
Republicans have successfully sought to position themselves as the White
Man’s Party. Not since 1964 has a majority of whites voted for a Democratic
presidential candidate, and Donald Trump won 57 percent of white votes last
November. Having feasted on Trump’s racist “red meat” rhetoric for the past
five years, the most volatile elements of the white hordes mounted an
assault on the “nigger lovers,” as they used to describe people perceived
as allies of Blacks, on Capitol Hill.

Of course, the U.S. Capitol is no stronghold of Black Power — the
Congressional Black Caucus voted overwhelmingly to make police a protected
class, in 2018
and to continue the Pentagon’s militarization of local cops, in 201
<https://blackagendareport.com/node/22056>4. But racists are cognitively
challenged; they see phenomena that doesn’t exist, and are blind to what’s
right in front of their eyes. The denizens of white settler colonies,
worldwide, have always perceived their states as precarious outposts of
“civilization” – a worldview that justifies any and all atrocities against
the natives and imported “lesser” humans, including genocide.

*“Racists see phenomena that doesn’t exist, and are blind to what’s right
in front of their eyes.”*

Given the mass murderous record of every white settler colony on the planet
– which includes all the nations of the Americas, with the possible
exception of the Caribbean countries -- it was surprising to find that only
one recent book on Latin American white settler states turns up in a Google
search engine. Richard Gott’s *Latin America as a White Settler Society*,
published in 2007 by the Bulletin of Latin American Research, can be read
at JSTOR <https://www.jstor.org/stable/27733923>. Gott sees race as central
to understanding the white settler mentality, even many generations after
settler arrival on foreign shores.:

“A recognizable feature of all ‘settler colonial’ states is the ingrained
racist fear and hatred of the white settlers, alarmed by the continuing
presence of the expropriated underclass. It is built-in to the history of
the European colonial states in Africa as well as that of the antipodean
colonies of Australia and New Zealand. Yet the race hatred of the settlers
has only had a minor part in our traditional understanding of the drama of
Latin American history and contemporary society. It is often underplayed or
ignored – as it is too in the USA – and even politicians and historians of
the Left have preferred to discuss class rather than race.”

In the case of the United States, American exceptionalism erases actual
history and denies U.S. commonality with any other nation. *New York
Times* reporter Katrin
Bennhold can get away with pretending that the United States is *both* unique
and a bell-weather for “democracy” everywhere on the planet – which is
ridiculous on its face. The events at the Capitol are absolutely consistent
with racist white mob behavior throughout U.S. history, and totally
understandable in the white colonial settler context. Outside of that
context, these events make far less sense.

The U.S. is best understood as the first of the planet’s white colonial
settler states – a species of state that includes most of the rest of the
western hemisphere, Australia, New Zealand, and the last of the settler
breed, Israel.

In clinging to the exceptionalist fallacy that the U.S. is a model of
democracy and unique in the world, rather than the end-product of colonial
white settler predation, the Democrats reveal that they share much the same
delusions as the flagpole-wielding Trumpsters they revile.

*BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted
at Glen.Ford at BlackAgendaReport.com <Glen.Ford at BlackAgendaReport.com>.*
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