[News] San Francisco - Monday, March 1st, 4pm - Protest in Solidarity with Haiti!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Feb 27 19:38:47 EST 2021

Hello everyone - We hope you will come out to join Monday's March 1st 
demonstration in solidarity with Haiti at *4pm in front of the San 
Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street.* This will be a 
socially-distanced, mask-wearing demonstration/march with signs, banners 
and solidarity messages to mark the 17th anniversary of the US-backed 
/coup/ /d'etat/ that overthrew Haiti's democracy in 2004.

If you are unable to join us in person, consider these options:

 1. Make a sign, grab some friends, jump in your car, and meetthe car
    caravan at 3:45pm on Grove Street between Van Ness and Polk
    Streets.Or drive by the protest anytime after 4:45pm at the Simon
    Bolivar statue on Hyde Street at UN Plaza. We will give you a shout
    out as you go by and include you and your sign in the photos we
    message to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
 2. Email a photo of you/your friends doing a banner drop "US Stop
    Supporting Dictator Jovenel Moise in Haiti" or "US Stop Funding
    Police Terror in Haiti" to action.haiti at gmail.com
    <mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>
 3. Organize your friends to contact Congressional Reps and US
    government officials with the demands of the action alert - details
    here <https://haitisolidarity.net/haiti-action-alert/>.

**Enough is enough! We must demand that the new Biden Administration end 
US support for dictatorship and terror in Haiti!*
*HAITI-MARCH-1st Demo.jpg

Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702

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