[News] Take Action! Demand US end support for Haitian dictator Jovenel Moise

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Feb 9 10:48:43 EST 2021

*Solidarity with the People of Haiti! 
End US and UN support of 
Haitian dictator Jovenel Moise*

*Please E-mail and tweet the demands below to the following officials 
and to your Congressional representative and Senators:*

*● End all support for the dictatorship of Jovenel Moise
● End all 
recognition of the government of Jovenel Moise as of February 7th, 
2021 as required by Haiti's constitution
● Stop all funding of the 
criminal Haitian police and security forces*

*US Representative Gregory W. Meeks*, Senior Member, House Foreign 
Relations Committee: tweet @RepGregoryMeeks; email 
https://meeks.house.gov/contact <https://meeks.house.gov/contact>

*Secretary of State Antony Blinken*: tweet @SecBlinken; ph: 
202-647-4000; email https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform 

*President Joe Biden*: tweet at POTUS; email 
https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact <https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact>

Haiti Action Committee strongly condemns the continued US and UN support 
for Haitian dictator Jovenel Moise as he flaunts the Haitian 
constitution and clings to power. Moise has been ruling by decree for 
months, and is now pushing to enact illegitimate constitutional reforms 
that would give him even more power. Having come to power through a 
US-UN supported fraudulent election, denounced widely in Haiti as an 
“electoral coup,” the Moise regime is now poised to stage another 
series of phony elections to maintain its stranglehold over the country. 
We stand in solidarity with the resistance and resolve of Haitians in 
and outside of Haiti to get rid of this criminal regime.

Even though Moise’s term of office officially ended on February 7th, 
he has announced his intention to remain in power for one more year, and 
has launched a major crackdown 
against any opposition to his rule. *Rather than denounce this attack on 
democracy, a recent statement by US State Department 
spokesperson Ned Price signaled the Biden Administration’s backing for 
Moise.* Millions of US dollars have been provided to the Moise 
dictatorship to fund the murderous security forces 
and impose illegitimate constitutional reforms followed by phony 
elections as a strategy to keep Moise in power. Jovenel Moise’s rule 
has been marred by repeated acts of blatant corruption and terror, 
according to numerous reports by investigative agencies. Atrocities by 
the regime have been carried out by the US/UN-trained Haitian police and 
affiliated gangs or death squads with the full backing of high 
government officials. Community residents protesting the lack of basic 
services have seen their homes burned to the ground with family and 
friends massacred, as happened in the Port-au-Prince neighborhoods of 
Tokyo, Site Vensan, Bele among others.

Under the Moise regime, impunity is the order of the day. Well-known 
perpetrators with arrest warrants such as Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier, 
wanted in connection with the horrific massacre at Lasalin in 2018, go 
about freely and even receive police protection. On October 5th, 2020, 
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres blatantly credited the G9 death 
squad headed by Cherizier with reducing homicides while the G9 was 
involved in murdering residents of Bele and burning their homes.

*Enough is enough.*
*We must demand that the new Biden Administration end US support for 
dictatorship and terror in Haiti.
Please join us in sending this message loud and clear.*

Suggested Links:
 Special Report: Massacres in Haiti 
For more information, go to www.haitisolidarity.net 
<https://haitisolidarity.net/> • Facebook 
<https://www.facebook.com/HaitiActionCommittee> • @haitiaction1


Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702

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