[News] For 196th time, Israeli occupation forces demolish Al-Araqib Bedouin village

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Dec 20 14:16:32 EST 2021

 For 196th time, Israeli occupation forces demolish Al-Araqib Bedouin

December 20, 2021 - https://qudsnen.co/32893-2/

Al-Araqib (QNN)- Israeli occupation forces demolished Al-Araqib village in
the Negev Desert earlier on Monday for the 196th time, despite the severe
weather conditions.

Reports said Israeli occupation forces raided the village, which is rebuilt
by its residents after each time it has been demolished, and removed all
the tents and destroyed the tin shelters placed on the land by the
residents to provide a roof over their heads in the cold weather, leaving
them homeless.






Al-Araqib was demolished for the first time in 2000. Today’s demolition is
the twelfth so far this year.

‘Israel’ does not “recognise” the village, but its residents point out that
they own the land and have done, since the Ottoman period, decades before
‘Israel’ was created in occupied Palestine.

Despite the repeated demolitions, every time the residents of Al-Araqib
rebuild their tents and small homes. However, the occupation forces return
to raze them, sometimes several times in a month. There are 22 Palestinian
families living in the village.

Al-Araqib village is one of 51 “unrecognised” Arab villages in the area,
and is constantly targeted for demolition by Israeli bulldozers, for which
Bedouins are then charged.
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