[News] Venezuela: Guaidó Increasingly Isolated as UN Recognizes Maduro Gov’t in ‘Resounding’ Vote

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Thu Dec 9 16:26:31 EST 2021

venezuelanalysis.com <https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/15405> Venezuela:
Guaidó Increasingly Isolated as UN Recognizes Maduro Gov’t in ‘Resounding’
By José Luis Granados Ceja - December 8, 2021

Mexico City, Mexico, December 8, 2021 (venezuelanalysis.com) – The United
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted Monday to recognize the credentials
of the government of President Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate
representative of Venezuela.

In a speech
<https://twitter.com/SMoncada_VEN/status/1467939750183067660?s=20> before
the General Assembly, Venezuelan United Nations (UN) Ambassador Samuel
Moncada stressed the need for the organization to defend the principle of
sovereignty in the face of US imperialism that he said constituted a
“violation” of the UN Charter.

“We thank the member states in this assembly for recognizing our
credentials and rejecting the colonial aggressions against our country and
recognizing the will of our people,” said Moncada.

For his part, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Felix Plasencia called
<https://twitter.com/PlasenciaFelix/status/1467989765702266880> the vote a
“resounding victory for International Law and a slap against imperialist
interference and aggression.”

Referring to the hardline opposition, Plasencia said that the UNGA vote was
a “dose of reality for those who persist in giving oxygen to a dying
political fantasy” and suggested that those who insisted on backing the
Juan Guaidó-led “interim government” were driven by an interest in
“continuing to profit from the assets stolen from the country.”

The recognition of the Maduro government at the UN marks yet another
setback for Venezuela's self-proclaimed “Interim President” days after
former ally Julio Borges resigned
his post as “foreign minister” in his administration and called for it to
“disappear completely”.

Borges—who hails from the opposition Justice First party and has grown
increasingly critical of Guaidó— said in an online interview the US-backed
administration had become a bloated bureaucracy and should only serve to
manage foreign-based state assets.

“It’s a shame that Guaidó’s party has no desire to do things properly,”
said the anti-government leader, who went on to call for a rebuilding of
opposition efforts to regain “strength and credibility.”

The management of Venezuelan assets seized by other states such as Colombia
and the US has been a point of contention inside of Guaidó’s coalition,
with various parties trading blame for the mismanagement
<https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/15350> of assets such as Colombia-based
agrochemical producer Monómeros. The former lawmaker has likewise been
under fire for his actions <https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/15340> in
international litigation cases which have left US-based oil subsidiary
CITGO close to being seized <https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/15358> by
creditors. For his part, Borges called the alleged corruption in the
handling of foreign assets “disgusting and sickening.”

The “interim” administration led by Guaidó only managed to get 16 countries
at the General Assembly to vote against the recognition of the Maduro
government as the legitimate representative of Venezuela. The figure
represents a far cry from the approximately 60 countries that opted to
follow Washington’s dictates and recognize the then National Assembly
president in January 2019.

With the return of hardline opposition parties to the democratic process in
the recent regional elections <https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/15387>,
the sector headed by Guaidó appears now to be largely maintained by the US
Department of State, leaving both the hardline leader and the US
increasingly isolated in their stances.

US Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian A. Nichols
recently tweeted
<https://twitter.com/WHAAsstSecty/status/1466895636440231939> his support
for Guaidó and invited him to participate in the State Department’s “Summit
for Democracy” that has even been criticized
by outlets such as The Economist for being driven by political interests.

The opposition frontman also counts on the support of Boston Celtics player
Enes Kanter, who recently published a video about Venezuela on his social
media. Kanter, who has grown increasingly critical of regimes that do not
favor Washington since becoming a US citizen, was heavily criticized on
social media. He had likewise drawn controversy for a racist tirade against
Asian-American basketball player Jeremy Lin.

*Edited by Ricardo Vaz in Caracas.*
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