[News] Palestine Action Shuts Down Israel's Arms Manufacturer in Oldham

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Aug 23 10:35:08 EDT 2021

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Since 6:30 this morning, Palestine Action activists have been occupying 
the Elbit Ferranti factory in Oldham, Greater Manchester. The site, used 
for production of a range of Israeli weapons technologies, has been 
blockaded - with vehicles obstructing entrances and activists locked 
onto gates. The factory building has been scaled and the site fully 
occupied, as activists prevent operations and the production of arms 
bound for Israel.

This action is being taken to undermine the production of weapons and 
military components by Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, who 
market their products as "battle-tested" on Palestinians. Today's action 
follows further Israeli aggression in Palestine - in the past week, 
Israeli raids into the West Bank and Gaza have killed dozens, while 
Israeli forces also violently repress Palestinian civilians who had been 
commemorating the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This aggression against 
protestors has involved opening fire on children, with one 13 year old 
in critical condition after being shot in the head. The technologies and 
components thereof used by Israeli police for this repression, as well 
as the aircraft used to launch subsequent air raids on Gaza, are often 
produced by Elbit Systems, Elbit Ferranti, or any number of other 
subsidiaries including UAV Tactical Systems, IMI Systems or others.

The Elbit Ferranti site in Oldham is specifically used for the 
manufacture of specialist military products and technology - including 
the SkEye persistent surveillance system for Elbit's Hermes 450 and 900 
drones, both of which have been used extensively in successive Israeli 
bombardments of Gaza. Ferranti advertise the manufacture of the 
SpectroXR ultra-long range imaging system at the Oldham site - which is 
again used in Hermes drones. The site is also used in the manufacture of 
IronVision helmets for use in battle tans such as the Carmel, which have 
been designed specifically for operations in densely built, urban areas 

Support the action, share our posts, and most importantly get down to 
the site: Ferranti Technologies, Cairo House, Greenacres Rd, Waterhead, 

Press Release 

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If you are having any difficulty donating via the web link above, please 
contact info at palestineaction.org

Palestine Action| 77 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom

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