[News] Water Protectors Continue to Resist, Blocking Active Work at Line 3 Construction Site

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Tue Aug 17 02:37:27 EDT 2021

Protectors Continue to Resist, Blocking Active Work at Line 3 Construction




*Water Protectors Continue to Resist, Blocking Active Work at Line 3
Construction Site*

*Giniw CollectiveAugust 16, 2021Contact: giniw at protonmail.com
<giniw at protonmail.com>*

PARK RAPIDS, Minn. -- This morning, four water protectors locked to each
other and to machines, halting work at an Enbridge Line 3 worksite near Hay
Creek, Minnesota.

The action comes as the latest in a long arc of fierce ground resistance in
the Line 3 fight; over 700 Water Protectors have been arrested to date.

Drought conditions continue across northern Minnesota, with water
restrictions in place in numerous municipalities. Enbridge continues to
pump water for its tar sands pipeline, now turning to city aquifers,
including Park Rapids.

Last week, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, along with
other representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers and Department of
the Interior, again met with Anishinaabe nations, tribal representatives,
and land defenders to discuss Line 3 construction, wild rice beds, and the
now 28 chemical spills into rivers and wetlands by Enbridge, including the
headwaters of the Mississippi River multiple times. The Army Corps and the
White House continue to remain silent.

“We are at the 11th hour in terms of climate action and corporate
globalization has found ways to criminalize and punish people trying to
stop construction of a project that threatens so many life ways.

We have exhausted every other option.

Stop Line 3,” said a Water Protector blocking construction.

“I am here on the frontlines alongside Anishinaabe and Dakota relatives who
have put a call out for help. The wild rice is at risk due to Line 3, the
drought and catastrophic climate change. All of which cause or are in
direct correlation to green house gases. We need to rapidly transform our
energy system and this starts now, not 20 years from now,” said another
Water Protector risking self for all future generations.

*Giniw Collective is an Indigenous-women, 2-Spirit led frontline resistance
to protect our Mother, defend the sacred and live in balance. We stand
unafraid. Prayers into action. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
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