[News] Haiti Struck by 7.2 magnitude Earthquake - Donate to Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

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Sat Aug 14 20:02:11 EDT 2021

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*Urgent: Haiti Struck by 7.2 magnitude Earthquake*
*Please Donate to Haiti Emergency Relief Fund*


Dear Friends of Haiti:

A powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti this morning, leaving 
devastation in its wake. Hundreds of people have been killed, and the 
terrible counting has just begun.

fallen buildings
Centered on Haiti’s southern peninsula, the earthquake severely damaged 
the cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie. Hospitals in the area are 
overwhelmed. And, to make matters even worse, Tropical Storm Grace is 
poised to hit Haiti this weekend.

*earthquake damageWe are reaching out to you today from the Haiti 
Emergency Relief Fund to ask for your immediate support for earthquake 
relief. *We remember the 7.0 magnitude earthquake of 2010, where 300,000 
perished and over 2 million Haitians ended up in tent cities. And we 
remember the ways in which funds collected by major aid organizations in 
the name of earthquake relief somehow never made it to those in need.

*The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund has no paid staff or overhead. We will 
send each and every dollar directly to grassroots community 
organizations on the ground in Haiti. *These groups are the ones 
positioned to provide the most effective support for families and 
communities impacted by the earthquake. When the 2010 earthquake hit the 
capital of Port-au-Prince, HERF funded mobile health clinics, women’s 
groups and community organizers who brought relief for thousands of 

When Hurricane Matthew devastated the southern peninsula in 2016, we 
supported the work of grassroots activists who organized caravans with 
health care workers, medicine and food for people in the affected areas. 
/To repeat, each and every dollar raised went directly to Haitian 
community organizations./

*Now, Haitians are mobilizing once again at the grassroots community 
level, forming work brigades to respond to this new disaster. As they 
confront this crisis, we ask for your solidarity and support.*

Please send donations to www.haitiemergencyrelief.org 

*We Thank You!*

*Haiti Emergency Relief Fund Board of Directors *

*Walter Riley*, Attorney at Law, Co-Chair
*Sister Maureen Duignan*, O.S.F., Co-Chair
*Seth Donnelly*, Educator and Long-Time Haiti Solidarity Activist
*Nia Imara*, Astronomer and Artist
*Pierre Labossiere*, Co-Founder, Haiti Action Committee
*Marilyn Langlois*, Human Rights and Community Advocate
*Robert Roth*, Educator and Co-Founder, Haiti Action Committee







Email <mailto:action.haiti at gmail.com>

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