[News] Stop Jerusalem Expulsions and Save Sheikh Jarrah

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Apr 20 11:13:12 EDT 2021



*Stop Israel’s forced displacement of Palestinians from East Jerusalem!*

Over 1,500 Palestinians from neighborhoods in Jerusalem are facing 
threat of forced displacement and home demolitions by Israeli 
authorities. Children make up a large percentage of the families 
threatened with homelessness.

Recently an Israeli court has ruled in favor of Jewish settlers and 
given four families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood until May 2nd to 
leave their homes. In the Silwan neighborhoods of Al Bustan and Batin al 
Hawa, a total of 21 families are facing home demolition as soon as May 
11th to make way for an allegedly bible-inspired 'King David Park' 
tourist site.

This is part of Israel's larger plan of racist colonial expansion 
throughout East Jerusalem and the West Bank, forcibly displacing 
Palestinian families from their land and homes and replacing them with 
illegal Israeli settlements.
SIGN this Petition 


Addameer, Prisonner Support and Human Rights Association
info at addameer.ps







© 2021 Addameer for Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association�
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