[News] In 2 weeks, Israel killed a Palestinian man, injured 63, detained 115 people in 128 raids, and demolished 26 structures

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Mon Apr 5 10:50:27 EDT 2021


  In 2 weeks, Israel killed a Palestinian man, injured 63, detained 115
  people in 128 raids, and demolished 26 structures – UN

April 3, 2021


In the last two weeks of March, the Israeli occupation forces killed one 
Palestinian man, injured 63 others, demolished 26 Palestinian-owned 
structure displacing 34 people, and detained 115 people, including five 
children, in 128 search-and-arrest raids, according to the United 
Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in 
the occupied Palestinian territory.

It said in its biweekly Protection of Civilians report covering the 
period between 16 and 29 March that on 19 March Israeli soldiers shot 
and killed a 45-year-old Palestinian man during a weekly protest in Beit 
Dajan village near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, bringing to 
three the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the West 
Bank since the beginning of the year.

In addition, Israeli soldiers injured 63 Palestinians across the West 
Bank, 43 of them in the Kufr Aqab neighborhood of East Jerusalem and 10 
in Beit Dajan village, in confrontations during army raids of these and 
other areas of the occupied territories. Most of the injuries were for 
teargas inhalation, 16 hit by rubber bullets, and seven were physically 
assaulted, or hit by a tear gas canister.

Israeli forces carried out 128 search-and-arrest operations and arrested 
115 Palestinians, including five children, across the West Bank during 
the two-week reporting period, said OCHA. The Ramallah governorate 
recorded the highest number of operations (27), followed by Tulkarm (21) 
and Hebron (18). In one operation in Beit Kahil (Hebron), 21 
Palestinians were arrested.

Citing the lack of building permits, the Israeli occupation authorities 
demolished or seized 26 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C of the 
occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, displacing 34 people, of whom 15 
were children, and otherwise affecting about 40 others.

Twenty-two structures were targeted on 17 March in four communities in 
Area C, including eight tents seized in Khirbet Tana near Nablus, 
displacing 18 people; and 11 uninhabited houses demolished in al-Nuweima 
al-Fauqa Bedouin community near Jericho, affecting 21 people. Four of 
the structures were demolished in East Jerusalem, including three by 
their owners after being pressured to do so by the Israeli municipality 
of West Jerusalem to avoid paying hefty fines and demolition costs if 
the municipality carries out the demolition, displacing 12 people.

The entry of Palestinians to the Israeli-army controlled closed area of 
H2 in Hebron city in the south of the West Bank, where they live, was 
delayed for long periods due to the re-introduction of heavy 
restrictions by Israeli forces at the checkpoint leading to Tel Rumeida 
neighborhood. In this context, forces have required Palestinian 
residents to pass through metal detectors, which has not been a 
requirement for several years, said OCHA.

Meanwhile, Israeli settlers injured two Palestinians and damaged a few 
hundreds of Palestinian-owned trees in the two-week reporting period. 
Both Palestinians were physically assaulted, one near Susiya community 
in the Hebron district, and the other while working his land near 
al-Khader town in Bethlehem.

Residents in the villages of Jalud, Khirbet Sarra and Tell in Nablus, 
and Ras Karkar and Deir Nidham in Ramallah, reported that about 300 
trees and saplings had been vandalized. In Beit Iksa near Jerusalem and 
Kafr al-Dik in Salfit, settlers vandalized a house, three agricultural 
structures and three vehicles. In al-Baq’a area in Hebron, settlers 
started bulldozing privately-owned Palestinian land. Settlers blocked 
off a spring near Tubas, preventing Palestinian herders from accessing 
it. Settlers also erected tents on land belonging to residents of 
Tuqu’ and Kisan villages near Bethlehem; in Kisan, they eventually 
removed the tents, and in Tuqu’ the Israeli authorities ordered them 
to remove them by 4 April.

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