[News] Bahrain opposition rejects Israel normalisation, calls to resist

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Sep 13 15:11:47 EDT 2020



September 12, 202 


Bahraini opposition groups have said they reject a decision by the Gulf
state to normalise relations with Israel, with a leading Shi'ite cleric
on Sunday calling on the region's people to resist, _Reuters _reports. 

Cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim, living in Iran, said he was against
normalisation between Arab countries and Israel, in a statement
published by dissolved Bahraini opposition party al-Wefaq, a group close
to Qassim. 

The accords between Israel and the UAE last month, and between Israel
and Bahrain on Friday, go against the will of the people, he said. 

"There is a great divergence between the rulers and the ruled in
thought, mind, aims and interests. Governments are experiencing a
psychological defeat and want to impose it on the people, and the people
have to resist this defeat," Qassim said. 

A joint statement by a group of Bahraini political and civil society
associations, including the Bahrain Bar Association, on Sunday stood
against the deal. 

"What results from normalisation will not enjoy popular backing, in line
with what generations of Bahrainis have been brought up on in terms of
adherence to the Palestinian cause," the statement said. 

The head of Bahrain's highest court ordered judiciary employees not to
criticise government policy or express opinions harming national unity,
al-Bilad newspaper reported on Sunday. 

Bahrainis have previously criticised their government's engagements with
Israel, including last June's conference in Manama to launch a US-led
$50 billion economic formula for Israeli-Palestinian peace. 

Parliament last April joined social media calls to stop Israeli business
and government officials attending an international entrepreneurship
conference. The delegation did not attend. 

READ: Palestine factions call for PLO to leave Arab League [1] 


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