[News] Thirteen Killed in Colombia’s Protests: Their Names

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Sep 13 11:38:23 EDT 2020

Killed in Colombia’s Protests: Their Names September 12, 2020

While Bogotá continues to be the scene of protests, 13 families mourn the
killings of their youth and there are many reports of people who have been
missing for more than 24 hours.

Demonstrations in and around Colombia’s capital continue to leave victims,
most by bulletwound.

For three consecutive nights, citizens have taken to the streets to express
outrage at police brutality and the systemic violation of human rights
under the government of Ivan Duque and at the hand of his security forces.

The murder of Javier Ordóñez at the hands of police officers, coinciding
with the murder of social leaders and massacres in rural areas, sparked an
uprising in response to the impunity of the country’s law enforcement.

Protesters targeted the police stations in 45 neighborhoods in Bogotá where
10 were killed and at three police stations in Soacha, Cundinamarca where
three were killed.

"The 13 victims were killed by Public Force's exclusive weapons during the
protests. Eight of them were young people between 17 and 27 years old.
Three are women between 18 and 36 years old," Bogota's Mayor Claudia Lopez

The officially identified victims are as follows: Julieth Ramírez, 18 years
old; Cristian Camilo Hernández, 26; Jaider Fonseca, 17; Germán Puentes, 25;
Andrés Rodríguez, 23; Angie Paola Vaquero, 19; María del Carmen Viuvche,
40; Jesús Arias, 17; Cristian Hurtado, 27; Stiven Mendoza, 26, and Julián
Mauricio González, 27.

Now a process begins in which the leading role will be played by the
forensic investigation within the neighborhoods, to determine the cause of

Evidence has circulated over social media in videos recorded by residents
who have reported security forces shooting "indiscriminately against
citizens," as Mayor Claudia López described yesterday; of police officers
running in the streets with plainclothes men, even hiding their license
plates and throwing objects.

Recordings of bloodied people and what online users have identified as
beatings and tortures by police have also been captured on cell phone video.

The Secretary of Government, Luis Ernesto Gómez, announced that they
received 167 complaints from citizens and human rights organizations in
recent days.
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