[News] Haiti - Fanmi Lavalas Press Release

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Oct 31 15:46:11 EDT 2020

/Haiti Action Committee is honored to distribute this recent press 
release from Fanmi Lavalas <https://youtu.be/j2fMV1xO9ds>, the people’s 
party of Haiti.  The statement has been translated from the original 

/In the press release, Fanmi Lavalas exposes the attempts by the PHTK 
ruling party in Haiti to stage yet another fraudulent election and 
condemns the war of terror being waged by government-sponsored death 
squads. Demanding an end to the dictatorial regime of Jovenel Moise, 
Fanmi Lavalas calls for a transitional government of broad national 
unity to address the urgent needs of the population and to create the 
conditions for truly free and fair elections. //We hope you will read 
this important statement and circulate it widely./

*Fanmi Lavalas Press Release –**September 26, 2020 (Unofficial English 

In the name of the National Representative President Jean-Bertrand 
Aristide, The Executive Committee and its Advisors bring 

Many grave events are occurring in the country. After the assassination 
of Attorney Monferrier Dorval, Head of the Bar Association of 
Port-au-Prince, massacres have continued to take place in Bčlč, Solino, 
Site Solčy, Lasalin, and many other areas of the country. The train of 
death keeps moving each day and the blood of the people continues to be 
spilled non-stop since the PHTK has usurped power following an electoral 

The dysfunctional electoral council created by the indicted [Jovenel 
Moise] is yet another violation of the constitution that continues to 
plunge the country into a deeper abyss. The national mafia and a sector 
of the internationals have colluded to organize another electoral 
coup/d’état/. They even want to replace the constitution of the country 
by another that is already prepared without the people’s input. They 
continue to declare war against the population by pouring fuel on the 
fire of the dictatorship. The intention of this criminal power structure 
and the international colonizers is to massacre innocent people, and to 
terrorize the population more each day to destroy our future and bury us 

/Fanmi Lavalas/Political Organization remains steadfast in its 
commitment to achieve the realization of the legitimate demands of the 
majority population. Electoral selection is a deadly poison for 
democracy. All sectors of the population have already stated their 
position very clearly on this matter. Churches, labor, and civil society 
organizations, together with the majority of organizations and political 
parties in the country, are all of a common accord on this.

Faced with this crisis, with its many roots deeply intertwined within 
the history and structure of the current state,/Fanmi Lavalas/Political 
Organization remains committed to the choice made by the Haitian people. 
It is for a solution based on a historic Unity for a transition that 
breaks with this ancient system that is crushing the people.

The population is demanding a new beginning. People are urging a 
re-founding of the state. Together with the population, 
shoulder-to-shoulder with all sectors with a clear vision, given the 
necessity to change this model of a plundering government, the time has 
come to overturn the cauldron. It is imperative to create a Government 
of Public Safety to accompany the people through the transition for a 
re-founding of the state.

/Fanmi Lavalas/believes that that the population is not looking for a 
new political platform, another political front, a new collective or 
political grouping in order to pull itself out of this bottomless abyss. 
It is only the People who can save the People.

Only popular mobilization – with all conscious people, true patriots, 
honest citizens, political parties or political organizations that 
choose to join with the people on the road to a transition – finally 
will be able to pull Haiti out of this present calamity. The solution is 
not an electoral selection; it lies in the mobilization of the entire 
Nation that inevitably will quickly result in the transition.

The time has come for all sectors in the nation, all the productive 
forces in the country, to gather our collective strength and unite with 
the population to put a stop to the project of this criminal 
dictatorship. This is a struggle to reclaim our Dignity in a country 
that will take the road of Progress and Development, in a climate of 
Peace and Participation of all Haitians inside and outside of the country.

*Alone we are weak*

*Together we are Strong*

*All Together We are Lavalas*

/*Executive Committee of Fanmi Lavalas:*/

Dr. Maryse Narcisse
Joël Edouard Vorbe
Dr. Jean Myrto Julien
Agr. Anthony Dessources


Haiti Action Committee
PO Box 2040
Berkeley,CA 94702
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