[News] Pompeo and the CIA against Venezuela

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Mon Oct 12 11:23:50 EDT 2020

and the CIA against Venezuela By Katu Arkonada, on October 9, 2020

same week that a report denouncing the Venezuelan government for crimes
against humanity was made public by an “Independent International Mission”
that never set foot in the country and was based on opposition testimonies
and social networks, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was visiting Brazil and
Colombia to continue feeding the rhetoric against the Bolivarian revolution
during the US presidential campaign, but also in the middle of the
electoral campaign for the legislative elections that will take place on
December 6 in Venezuela.

In Brazil, Pompeo called Nicolas Maduro a drug trafficker, and said that
Washington will continue to work to get to the “right place” regarding the
crisis unleashed by the blockade and sanctions imposed on the Venezuelan
economy. In Colombia, his main partner in the region, he accused the
Venezuelan government of collaborating with terrorism and harboring ELN
members and FARC dissidents.

Terrorism and drug trafficking, but not Colombian, the main supplier of the
cocaine consumed in the United States, but Venezuelan, despite the fact
that in Venezuela there is no coca leaf, unlike the neighboring country,
which has more than 200,000 hectares of the crop, 10 times more than, for
example, the hectares of coca leaf cultivated in Bolivia.

But it is necessary to think at Pompeo’s visit, who we should not forget
was Director of the CIA, to Colombia. His main objective was to promote a
change in strategy to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro, starting
with the impact on the electoral result of the December legislative

The US delegation finalized details for the arrival of 300 US soldiers who
would be installed in a new military base in the border city of Cúcuta,
specifically in Cerro del Tasajero, a key location at the geopolitical
level because from there one can see a good part of the
Colombian-Venezuelan border, and the oil tanker Lake Maracaibo.

In addition to asking Ivan Duque for his support in promoting the
Republican vote among the Colombian community in Texas, New Jersey and
South Florida, Pompeo asked Colombia for its considerations on the new
operational and media strategy designed against Venezuela, which would
range from a military action in a tripartite coalition
(US-Colombia-Brazil), to the declaration of fraud and ignoring the results
Bolivian-style, to paramilitary infiltrations from Colombian soil,
terrorist revolts in the form of guarimbas, and even an attempted
assassination against Maduro.

Pompeo mentioned to Duque that during his stay in Brazil, he agreed with
Bolsonaro on the support of the Brazilian army to an eventual military
intervention into Venezuelan territory. The creation of false positives
that justify an armed intervention by the coalition is being contemplated,
which could translate into an attack on an embassy in Caracas of a country
allied with the United States, as well as aggressions to diplomats and high
opposition leaders. To this end, a paramilitary group, trained in Inirida
by Venezuelan deserters supervised by US and Israeli mercenaries, has
already moved into Venezuelan territory.

Pompeo also asked Iván Duque to carry out, during the month of October,
anti-narcotics operations, especially on the border strips of the
departments of Arauca, Norte de Santander and Guajira, so that they would
serve as a pretext for the arrival and deployment of military personnel who
could be used in destabilizing actions in view of the December 6 elections.

Another element that would justify a possible military aggression would be
the prepared denunciation of an alleged purchase of medium and long range
Iranian weapons, with which Venezuela would allegedly try to attack

As we have already denounced in the column “G4 electoral sabotage”, on
December 6 it is expected that there will be serious alterations of the
public order in Venezuela (looting and attacks to public institutions) with
the objective of promoting the thesis of a failed state that would increase
international pressure on Venezuela.

Pompeo also made it clear to Duque that Guaidó is no longer a major player
in his strategy of interference, so he should not support his idea of a
parallel government in exile that could end up favoring Chavismo
electorally. The US bet is now moving towards Capriles, who in spite of the
doubts that weigh on him after his release from prison, is useful to them
in promoting the campaign to discredit the elections, together with
Almagro, the OAS, and other voices of the international right.

Colombia was key in the election of Mauricio Claver Carone, the State
Department’s candidate for the presidency of the Inter-American Development
Bank (IDB), and it seems that it could once again play a decisive role both
in the international justification of new economic sanctions against the
mining and oil sector, and in becoming a platform for a new paramilitary
aggression with the aim of destabilizing the Venezuelan legislative

A month earlier, the presidential dispute between Trump and Biden, where
much of the outcome can be played out in the pendulum state of Florida, and
unfortunately, that means votes in the United States could translate into
deaths in Venezuela.
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