[News] Cuban doctors serve in 37 countries with Covid-19

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Sun Mar 22 09:56:11 EDT 2020

doctors serve in 37 countries with Covid-19

*21* *Saturday* Mar 2020

Havana, Mar 21 (P L) Cuba is providing medical cooperation today in 37
countries reporting Covid-19, confirmed a high official from the Ministry
of Public Health (Minsap).
The Cuban physicians enjoy good health and measures have been taken for
prevention and self-care, said Dr. Jorge Juan Delgado Bustillo, director of
Minsap Central Unit of Medical Collaboration.

So far, no health professional has been reported to be ill with the new
coronavirus in our medical teams abroad,’ he told Granma newspaper.

The specialist stated that in all 59 nations are receiving medical
assistance from Cuba.

During the last few days, Cuba has sent medical teams to Nicaragua,
Venezuela, Surinam and Grenada with the mission of helping fight Covid-19.

This Saturday, 50 Cuban specialist on epidemiology are going to Lombardy,
the Italian region most affected by the pandemic.

Cuba, in its usual demonstration of brotherhood and solidarity, is ready to
help and to respond to the requests made to us, added the Minsap director.

He recalled that his country has proven this at different times, both when
faced with natural disasters and when confronted Ebola in Africa.

There is a national feeling of wanting to cooperate. We receive messages
from volunteers willing to go anywhere to help in this world’ s health
situation, he said.
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