[News] The Naval Siege at the Center of US Strategy Against Venezuela

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Tue Jun 30 11:15:34 EDT 2020

Naval Siege at the Center of US Strategy Against VenezuelaBy Ernesto Cazal
– Jun 25, 2020

The scenario of economic-financial-commercial suffocation that the United
States government has imposed on the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela is
one more piece of the puzzle in the unrestricted war strategy it is
carrying out against the country in the Caribbean Basin.

To be more precise, it has repercussions on the navigation chart of
Venezuelan ships or those that have commercial and other relationships with
the Venezuelan state and private companies. To support such a suffocating
agenda, the US Navy has a multiple deployment operation in all parts of the
planet, which works as a military and mobile police stationed for naval and
military operations of different types.

“By sea we can get to the place more quickly, stay there for longer, carry
everything we need with us and we do not have to ask anyone for
permission,” reads the 21st Century Cooperation Strategy for the Naval Force
<https://www.navy.mil/local/maritime/CS21R-Spanish.pdf> of the gringo Navy.

The full-spectrum doctrine of the Pentagon provides immunity for itself and
for its most trusted allies, and a military restriction on everything that
sails with flags sanctioned by the Treasury Department or that threatens in
a military way its outlined plans, as well as those of the White House.

Venezuela has been harassed in recent years with this strategy, which, with
the blockade dictated by Washington and the consequences it provokes, plus
other operations in favor of “regime change”, draw a fence on the high seas
and on the shores of the Caribbean coast.

*The main objective: the oil industry*

Recently, *Reuters*
agency reported
that cargoes of oil ready to be marketed “have been trapped” for almost two
months on the high seas because “world refineries shun oil from the South
American country to avoid falling into US sanctions, according to industry
sources, PDVSA documents and shipping data.”

PDVSA’s oil exports are Washington’s main target.

At the same time that the Treasury Department is blacklisting ships and
merchants involved in the trade and transportation of Venezuelan oil, it is
threatening to add more to its list of “sanctioned” entities.

*Reuters* cites the Refinitiv Eikon data:

“At least 16 oil tankers carrying 18.1 million barrels of Venezuelan oil
are trapped in waters around the world, while buyers avoid them to avoid
sanctions. That equates to almost two months of production at Venezuela’s
current production rate.”

[image: The Naval Siege at the Center of US Strategy Against Venezuela]PDVSA
is at the center of the American war strategy. Photo: Carlos García Rawlins
/ Reuters

The agency says that some of the boats “have been at sea for more than six
months and have sailed to various ports but have been unable to unload. Oil
cargoes are seldom loaded without a buyer. Those who are in the water
without having anyone to buy them generally sell at a discount.”

The financial burden on each oil tanker adds up to large losses as the
daily delay in unloading crude continues. The cost of a ship that carries
Venezuelan oil is at least $ 30,000 a day.

Oil companies that have PDVSA as a client have been unable to find a buyer
due to unilateral coercive measures. “Even long-standing PDVSA clients are
struggling to complete transactions that are allowed under sanctions, for
debt repayment or food exchange,” an executive told *Reuters* on condition
of anonymity.

This is a critical situation for Venezuelan exports, at a time when most
oil-producing countries continue to struggle to trade their high
inventories in an oversupplied market.

All this helps the United States to reduce the appetite of many buyers for
Venezuelan oil.

Basically what the Donald Trump government has achieved is to mount a naval
siege on the high seas on the Venezuelan crude oil trade, preventing the
state led by Nicolás Maduro from stocking up on foreign exchange to supply
essential goods and services to its population, while undermining the oil
industry managed by PDVSA.

That goal was clear from the start, when Trump decided to issue an
executive order last year that deepened the picture of economic, financial
and trade “sanctions” against Venezuela. The latest events just confirm
that thesis.

*A blow to Venezuela’s commercial and technological cooperation*

A month ago, when the first ships from Iran were crossing the Atlantic to
the Caribbean coast to supply gasoline and technology to the Venezuelan oil
industry, the United States spokesmen had threatened to prevent them from
unloading through US Navy harassment against the Iranian tankers.

But it is one thing to intimidate a single country and another to do it
against two, especially if one of them controls the Strait of Hormuz, the
main commercial oil artery of the world, where one in five barrels of oil
in the world pass through daily. That is why the freighters arrived to dock
at their destination without problems beyond poorly executed psychological

In this case, due to the emerging dynamics in which there is a rising bloc
that challenges Anglo-imperial hegemony, effectiveness subordinated to
Washington’s interests in relation to the sanctioning strategy was not

But what happens with other countries and companies worldwide is a very
different case. Take, for example, the Venezuelan crude freighters that set
sail for Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia or Togo, countries where the US
presence is very strong and have been unable to buy oil produced by PDVSA
as a result of unilateral coercive measures by the White House and the
naval surveillance of the Navy in those latitudes.
[image: The Naval Siege at the Center of US Strategy Against Venezuela]Craig
Faller, head of the Southern Command, meets with Jair Bolsonaro, president
of Brazil. Photo: Southern Command

It is in these cases that coordination between the Navy and the United
States Department of the Treasury is imposed, even if informally.

Due to this strategy, just until February 2020, Venezuela calculated $ 116
billion in losses from the blockade.


In view of the latest events, we can conclude that the much-announced naval
blockade against Venezuela sponsored by the Trump administration has been
unofficially deployed. It no longer works frontally as in 1902
, in which German, English and Italian ships encircled the country then
chaired by Cipriano Castro, or even as they did against Cuba in the 1960s,
when the United States determined that island sovereignty it could not be
erected in its “backyard”.

A new phase of escalation in the naval blockade began in early April with the
“anti-drug operations” deployed in the Western Hemisphere
of the US Navy, opening a space for large-scale psychological operations in
the Caribbean and for the coordination of forces and intelligence of the
Southern Command with partner countries of the Pentagon, especially
Colombia and Brazil.

In this context, the navigation of a US Navy destroyer ship near the
Venezuelan coasts on Tuesday, June 23, must also be understood, which
General Vladimir Padrino López, Venezuelan Defense Minister, describes as
“an act of provocation ”

Padrino López warned that if US ship operations occur in Venezuelan waters,
there will be a “forceful” response from the Bolivarian National Armed
Forces. “Do not dare to navigate in our jurisdictional waters with your war
ships, to exercise military operations,” added the general.

Although provocations are a tactic that the US army often uses against its
adversaries, crossing foreign maritime boundaries not only in the Caribbean
but in other parts of the world (such as the South China Sea or the Persian
Gulf itself) generally gringo generals authorize this type of operations to
collect intelligence information and disturb the opponent. Under what
objectives: military, commercial or even both?

Undoubtedly, the pressure of the Southern Command and its destroyers
prowling around the Caribbean, combined with the strategy of the Treasury
Department, draw a fence on high and on the shores of the coasts that puts
the Bolivarian Republic on alert and economically injures the majority of
Venezuela’s population.
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