[News] Trump Sanctions The Hague for Investigating US War Crimes – Venezuela Condemns the Move

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Fri Jun 12 10:48:31 EDT 2020

Sanctions The Hague for Investigating US War Crimes – Venezuela Condemns
the Move (Communique)June 12, 2020

Trump announced sanctions against International Criminal Court (ICC)
officials for opening an investigation into US war crimes in Afghanistan.

“The President (Donald Trump) has authorized economic sanctions against
officials of the International Criminal Court directly involved with any
initiative to investigate or accuse US officials without the consent of the
United States,” the White House said in a statement released Thursday.

The communiqué thus denounced the ICC’s investigations into the war crimes
that the North American country has committed in Afghanistan.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has asserted in this regard
that the ICC investigation, based in the Dutch city of The Hague, “is being
driven by an organization of dubious integrity,” accusing Russia of being

Due to sanctions authorized by Trump, the assets of ICC officials in the
United States will be blocked, their entry will be denied, and neither
employees nor their families will be able to obtain a visa from the North
American country.

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McEnany has also said that the actions of the International Criminal Court
are an “attack on the rights of the American people” and “threaten to
violate the national sovereignty” of the United States.

The ICC decided to start investigations after a preliminary examination by
prosecutors in 2017 found reasonable reason to believe that US soldiers
committed war crimes in Afghanistan and that the ICC has jurisdiction.

The object of the investigations is the crimes committed in the framework
of the armed conflict in Afghanistan since May 1, 2003, when this Asian
country became a member State of the Rome Statute. The United States, which
is not part of the ICC, has carried out a total campaign against this
entity, claiming that it is conducting politically motivated prosecutions
against its citizens.

The military intervention in Afghanistan in 2001 by the US-led North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was supposedly aimed at overthrowing
the Taliban armed group, “fighting” against extremists and intensifying the
anti-drug fight, But it has only aggravated the situation in the Asian
country, which, after two decades of this military occupation, is more
insecure than ever.

*Venezuela Condemns the Mov*e

On Thursday in a communique
the government of Venezuela rejected the executive order signed by the
president of the United States, Donald Trump, against the International
Criminal Court (ICC) and called on the international community and all
signatories of the Rome Statute to repudiate these “gangster” actions.

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Venezuela filed a legal process against the United States for crimes
against humanity due to their systematic use of unilateral coercive
measures also known as US sanctions that according to experts have caused
the deaths of at least 40 thousand Venezuelans and the continuous suffering
of millions in Venezuela.

Below the whole official translation of the communique:

*Venezuela rejects the illegal US Executive Order against the International
Crime Court*
*The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the illegal
Executive Order adopted on June 11, 2020 by the Government of the United
States of America against the staff of the International Criminal Court,
including its Prosecutor and any person providing financial, material or
technological assistance for the proper functioning of such an important
multilateral body.*

*With this decision, Donald Trump opens the door to the implementation of
unilateral, arbitrary and punitive coercive measures against the
International Criminal Court, demonstrating once again its complete
disregard for the principles of international law, international
humanitarian law and human rights*.

*The recent decisions of the government of the United States against
international organizations show their contempt for the multilateral system
and the intention to replace it with the dangerous unilateralist and
peculiar vision, with which they intend to dominate humanity, outside the

*In this sense, the Venezuelan government denounces the alleged “sanctions”
of the United States against the International Criminal Court which
constitute an unacceptable act of international pressure and bullying,
which threatens its autonomy and independence. It is clear that the world
is facing a pre-emptive flight forward by Donald Trump, with the aim of
influencing the investigations currently under way at that tribunal, in the
face of the accumulation of available evidence confirming the
responsibility of his agents for war crimes and crimes against humanity
throughout the world, including in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.*

*The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela calls upon the States Party to the
Rome Statute, as well as the rest of the international community, to
repudiate these gangster actions that threaten peace, security and the
well-being of humanity, in order to ensure that international justice is
respected and implemented in a lasting manner*.

*Caracas, June 11, 2020*

Source URL: HispanTV
with OT content

Translated and edited by JRE/EF
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