[News] Even the Opposition Believes Venezuela’s Election Was Legitimate

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Mon Dec 14 12:01:46 EST 2020

the Opposition Believes Venezuela’s Election Was Legitimate
by Vijay Prashad - December 14, 2020

Photograph Source: Luis Miguel Bastardo – CC BY 2.0

Before the National Assembly elections on December 6 in Venezuela, the
United States government began a campaign to delegitimize the process. The
U.S. government sanctioned
the head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and members of the
opposition who had decided to run in the election. Just hours after the
election, both the U.S. government and the European Union—as well as their
allies in Latin America—announced, predictably, that the elections had been
fraudulent. They did not need evidence; they did not need anything except
the reiteration of the simple line that an election in a country whose
government challenges U.S. authority cannot be legitimate in any way.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said
that the election was a “political farce” and a “charade,” and that it
“failed to meet any minimum standard of credibility.” The high
representative of the European Union (EU) essentially mimicked Pompeo’s
statement to the level of using a similar phrase; the EU said
that Venezuela “failed to comply with the minimum international standards
for a credible process.”

These statements seem like they were written days before the election. They
lacked details of actual events on the ground, and neither the U.S. nor the
EU had electoral observers on the ground. (For the record: I was in
Venezuela as an electoral observer on behalf of the CNE.)

*Venezuela’s Opposition*

Pompeo said
that “[m]ost of Venezuela’s independent political parties and civil society
organizations… reject these sham elections.” This is a stunning statement,
particularly when it comes to the question of “independent political

The day before the election, I participated in an on-the-record meeting
with leaders of five major opposition parties that participated in the
elections. Two of these parties form the *partidocracia*, the old political
establishment that dominated the country’s government from 1959 to 1999:
Acción Democrática (AD) and Comité de Organización Política Electoral
Independiente (COPEI). The leaders of both AD and COPEI—such as Pedro José
Rojas (AD) and Juan Carlos Alvarado (COPEI)—said that there might be the
normal irregularities in the election, but there was no evidence of fraud
leading up to the election.

Bruno Gallo (Avanzada Progresista) told me that he had spent 10 years
looking closely at the CNE for fraud, with the intent to undermine it, but
could not find any evidence of sustained fraud. This is a fair election, he
said, as far as elections go.

*Shut Down the Interim Government*

Timoteo Zambrano, a leader of Cambiemos Movimiento Ciudadano, told me that
the key outcome of the election for the new National Assembly is to “end
the duality of power in Venezuela.” All of these leaders of parties said
that they were fed up with the outrageousness of the “extremist
opposition,” at whose center is Juan Guaidó and the Voluntad Popular party
of Leopoldo López (now living in Spain). Gallo said that this group uses
“dirty tricks”; Guaidó and López represent the U.S. government more than
the Venezuelan people.

To “end the duality of power” means to shut down the “government” of Guaidó
imposed on the Venezuelan people by U.S. President Donald Trump. A few days
after the December 6 election, two-time opposition presidential candidate
Henrique Capriles gave an interview
<https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-55242142> to BBC, where
he asked the United States to drop its backing of Juan Guaidó. “The new
administration,” Capriles said with reference to the incoming presidency of
Joe Biden, “must understand that this plan is exhausted and cannot give
continuity to the status quo: the interim [government].” Capriles, who
lives in Caracas, said that any political solution “cannot be without
taking into account the 25 million Venezuelans.”

In other words, Venezuela’s political future cannot be dictated from
Washington. But, Capriles admitted, the opposition is in disarray. “We
enter a desert,” he said of his fellow opposition. “With no willingness to
end the status quo,” Capriles noted, “we are going to disappear as an
alternative in this country.”

*Media Failure*

Media outlets in the North Atlantic world
mimic the statements of the U.S. State Department and the European Union.
They simply say that the election was fraudulent and that the National
Assembly that will be inaugurated on January 5 is illegitimate. That’s the
sum total of the coverage.

The New York Times’ Julie Turkewitz, for instance, wrote a story
that ignored the entire credible opposition in Venezuela, including the two
main parties (AD and COPEI). The headline was “Venezuela Votes in an
Election the Opposition Calls a Charade,” but the only “opposition” to
which it referred was Guaidó’s U.S. State Department operation.

Tom Phillips, writing from Rio de Janeiro for the Guardian, framed his story
based on a quote from Juan Guaidó. The headline for that story read,
“Maduro tightens grip over Venezuela with win in boycotted congress vote.”
Who boycotted the vote? Not AD or COPEI, nor the main evangelical party
(Esperanza por El Cambio) nor the main liberal party (Cambiemos Movimiento
Ciudadano). Phillips only pointed to Guaidó even as he noted that Guaidó’s
authority over the opposition was nil.

Neither Turkewitz nor Phillips gave any coverage to the mainstream
opposition in Venezuela, which seeks a national dialogue in the country
without interference from Washington, D.C., and without the sword of regime
change hanging over the government.

The government of President Nicolás Maduro has held discussions with this
credible opposition on several occasions. Zambrano said that the new
National Assembly must impanel a commission to study the impact of the
sanctions—or the blockade, as Juan Carlos Alvarado of COPEI called it—on
the people of Venezuela. Such moves to rebuild the integrity of the
political process—attacked by the U.S. government through its alliance with
López and Guaidó—are essential for the Venezuelan people. The election of
December 6 and the inauguration of the new National Assembly on January 5,
2021, are the start of this process to rebuild the political world inside
Venezuela. The message from both the government of Maduro and the credible
opposition is the same: Washington, don’t interfere in our political life.

*Vijay Prashad’s most recent book is No Free Left: The Futures of Indian
Communism (New Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2015).*
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