[News] Israel makes COVID much worse for Palestinians

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Wed Dec 9 12:40:37 EST 2020

makes COVID much worse for Palestinians

Maureen Clare Murphy
<https://electronicintifada.net/people/maureen-clare-murphy> - 8 December

A coronavirus patient is treated at al-Aqsa hospital in Deir al-Balah,
central Gaza Strip, on 6 December.
APA images

On Sunday, the health ministry in Gaza announced
<https://mezan.org/en/post/23886> that it had halted testing for COVID-19
after running out of supplies.

Additional testing kits were delivered
<https://twitter.com/WHOoPt/status/1335994275713126407> by the World Health
Organization the next day, staving off a full-blown emergency – for the
time being.

The interruption in testing came as one-third of COVID-19 test results in
Gaza were coming back positive – a very high rate that likely indicates
that not enough testing is being done in the first place.

Of those confirmed cases, 20 percent were serious or critical. More than
150 people in Gaza have died from the coronavirus so far.
Fears become reality

>From the beginning, there were well-founded fears
that the pandemic would do disproportionate harm in Gaza.

With community transmission now seemingly out of control, those fears may
soon become reality.

The “unlivable”
Gaza Strip is home to some two million people – more than 40 percent of
them aged 14 years old or younger
two-thirds of them refugees – confined to its 139 square miles. It is one
of the most densely populated places in the world.

It also has one of the highest unemployment rates
on the planet and more than half of its residents live in poverty.

Like every other sector in Gaza, the healthcare system has deteriorated
after more than 13 years of siege and repeated brutal Israeli military
offensives. Gaza’s medical centers were still reeling
<https://electronicintifada.net/content/adding-pandemic-injury/31266> from
an epidemic of catastrophic injuries
caused by Israel’s use of live fire against civilian protesters when the
pandemic hit.

of essential medical supplies – to say nothing of electricity
and fuel
to operate generators during power outages – are nothing new in Gaza.

At the end of November, the health ministry in the territory reported that
it had less than a one-month supply of nearly half of all essential
medicines. It also had critical shortages of medical disposables.
“Permanent emergency”

For years, Gaza’s medical system has been on the brink of collapse
This is part of the “permanent emergency” borne by Israel’s regime of
occupation, colonization and apartheid, as the human rights group Al-Haq
states in a new position paper <https://www.alhaq.org/advocacy/17622.html>
on COVID-19 and Palestinians’ right to health.

“COVID-19 poses a disproportionate and substantial threat to a Palestinian
society deliberately denied for decades the right to develop a functioning
healthcare system,” according to Al-Haq.

This is a direct result of “apartheid policies and practices imposed by
Israel’s prolonged occupation,” the Palestinian group adds.

Palestinians have been fragmented into “distinct legal, political and
geographic domains,” Al-Haq explains.

These distinct domains include Palestinians living under discriminatory
Israeli civil law within Israel; those with permanent residency status in
occupied and illegally annexed East Jerusalem; Palestinians living under
Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; and
Palestinian refugees and exiles in the diaspora who are denied by Israel
their right to return.

Gaza, under a severe economic blockade and exacerbated Israeli closures
since 2007, has been cut off from the West Bank, which has been divided up
into enclaves with differing degrees of limited Palestinian self-rule.

This fragmentation is a key strategy of Israel’s apartheid regime, a 2017
by the UN Economic and Social Commission found.

“This geographic division creates a complex system of dependency upon
Israel,” Al-Haq states, “and its overarching military and security
apparatus, which controls all movement of people and goods, as well as
access to healthcare for Palestinians.”
Political and historic forces

Israel’s prolonged occupation, colonization and apartheid have deprived
Palestinians of their means of subsistence, according to Al-Haq.

Humanitarian aid, like the COVID testing kits provided by WHO, addresses
gaps in basic services. But it does not remedy the persistent and pervasive
violation of Palestinians’ basic rights.

Beyond Israeli movement restrictions, the ongoing denial of Palestinian
self-determination “remains a major impediment to the full and progressive
realization of Palestinians’ economic, social and cultural rights,
including to health,” Al-Haq states.

Palestinians are denied access to clean water and adequate sanitation while
political prisoners held by Israel face “overcrowded and unsanitary
detention conditions,” the rights group adds.

“The political and historic forces to which Palestinians have been
subjected compound their susceptibility to COVID-19,” according to Al-Haq.

Israel, as the occupying power, is legally – not just morally – obliged to
provide essential supplies to the civilians living under its rule.
International inaction

Like so many of its obligations, Israel flouts its legal duties as third
states look on and do almost nothing.

“As COVID-19 compounds Palestinian oppression, international justice and
accountability are needed now more than ever to bring an end to Israeli
impunity,” Al-Haq states.

The group is calling for “a full, thorough and comprehensive investigation
by the International Criminal Court” and for the implementation of
recommendations of prior UN inquiries into Israel’s violations of
Palestinian rights.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the heads of the European Union’s diplomatic
missions in Ramallah and Jerusalem visited Gaza for the first time since

This remarkably long absence belies their claim that “Gaza remains a
priority for the EU and its member states.”

Though it acknowledges the dire “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza, the
EU’s statement
on the visit
barely mentions Israel’s responsibility for the situation and makes no
mention at all of its obligations as the occupying power.

Instead, EU Representative Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff issued a generic call
that “all duty bearers should act now and respect their obligations under
international law.”

The EU boasts of its humanitarian funding for Gaza’s “suffering” population.

But it is precisely because of the EU’s stubborn unwillingness to hold
Israel directly accountable that the Palestinian doctors who briefed its
diplomats on Tuesday face such “unprecedented challenges.”
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