[News] Support the Preservation of People's Resistance

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Dec 3 13:35:52 EST 2020

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Your Donation Means So Much to Us - Thanks for your Support!! 

Winter 2020

Dear Friends,

We hope the end of 2020 finds you healthy and safe. 2020 has proven a 
challenging year to stay grounded. Amidst a global pandemic, rebellions 
against state violence across the world and the all-consuming US 
presidential election, we’ve endeavored to remain steadfast in building 
our long-term sustainability while continuing to create projects that 
highlight our core values of anti-imperialism, international solidarity 
and resistance behind bars.

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*Preparing for the Next Twenty Years: *

Over the past 21 years, the Freedom Archives has become internationally 
known as a resource for collections of recorded sound, video, and 
documents related to social justice movements. Our walls, shelves, and 
bookcases are literally jam packed with materials – and as we’ve 
continued to acquire such materials it has become abundantly clear that 
we require more space than the 500+ square feet we are in. Furthermore, 
as we continue to expand our staff capacity and public programming, 
we’ll need a larger physical space for organizers, educators, groups, 
and classes to visit and engage with movement history – one that also 
prioritizes ADA accessibility and remains reachable by public transit. 
Over the past several months we’ve strategized with a community 
consulting organization, reached out to larger donors and family 
foundations and started preliminary exploration for a new space, 
hopefully close to our current home. Our work has always been a 
collective effort. Are you able to increase your donation this year? Do 
you know someone else who might consider making a generous donation to 
our building fund?  Let us know and we are happy to share more details! 
In any case we want to embark on the next step of our journey together 
with you.

Your Donation Means So Much to Us  - Thanks for your Support!! 
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*Focus on the Third World:*

Re-orienting our focus to the Third World – we’d like to announce the 
digitization of over 50 issues in our collection of Tricontinental – a 
Cuban periodical founded in 1967 by the now inactive Organization of 
Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAAL). 
Tricontinental covers a wide range of topics, from national liberation 
movements, to capitalism’s exploitation of natural resources, and to 
revolutionary art from across the Third World. Combining sharp, detailed 
yet accessible political analysis with stunning artwork and design - the 
goal of Tricontinental was to challenge imperialism and create 
international solidarity with left political movements in Africa, Asia 
and Latin America. This collection is an amazing resource to increase 
our understanding of the fabric of revolutionary movements across the 
world in the 1960s and 1970s. A huge thanks goes to Rob McBride for his 
invaluable assistance with this project.

*Welcoming a New Staff Member:*

One of the things we’re most excited about is the growth of our staff! 
We want to officially welcome Danielle Luz Belanger to our crew. She 
joined us over the summer as an Associate Archivist. She is a creative 
community organizer who embraces internationalism, collectivism, and 
radical futurity. Danielle has already brought a fresh perspective and 
energy to the Archives as well as made sizable contributions to our 
project and archival work including the Marin Courthouse Rebellion 
project page and digitizing our Tricontinental holdings. We first met 
Danielle in 2018 when she interned at the Freedom Archives and we’re 
thrilled that she’s now a part of our team.

/"Incorporating groundbreaking art and design to engage content ranging 
from analysis to interviews and poetry, this periodical provides a 
memorable glimpse into global revolutionary culture spanning the 1960s 
to 1980s and beyond. Contributing to the extensive digitization of this 
collection has been a special privilege."/

– Danielle Luz Belanger

/Tricon had a big impact on me when I first saw it in San Francisco in 
1972. It provided inspiring glimpses into the growing internationalism 
centered around Viet Nam and extending throughout Asia, Africa, and the 
Americas. This project has given me deeper insight into the national 
liberation struggles, revolutions, and peoples’ movements that shape 
today’s global contradictions. There is no better single source for 
understanding how we got here./

– Rob McBride

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*Other News:*

As always, we continue to process new archival items 
provide materials for books, films and articles, and participate in 
online presentations. We created a dynamic media page 
about the Marin Courthouse Rebellion and hosted a webinar 
<https://vimeo.com/457048716> commemorating the 49th anniversary of the 
Attica Prison Rebellion. We also want to acknowledge the parole of 
(formerly held) political prisoner Jalil Muntaqim after 49 years behind 
bars. Jalil is an old friend of the Archives and was the last member of 
the San Francisco 8 still incarcerated. Welcome Home Jalil!

Thank you for your continued support. Consider donating online, becoming 
a monthly sustainer or send us a check in the enclosed envelope. May you 
and yours continue to remain healthy and engaged!

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Your Donation Means So Much to Us  - Thanks for your Support!! 
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