[News] How Israel Wages War on Palestinian History

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Fri Aug 21 12:09:03 EDT 2020

Israel Wages War on Palestinian History
by Jonathan Cook <https://www.counterpunch.org/author/jonathan-cook/>-
August 21, 2020

Photograph Source: A street in Jenin, 2011 – Almonroth – Template:Hey – CC
BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/>

When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in
2002 – filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging
through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake – he
chose an unusual narrator for the opening scene: a mute Palestinian youth.

Jenin had been sealed off from the world for nearly three weeks as the
Israeli army razed the neighbouring refugee camp and terrorised its

Bakri’s film Jenin, Jenin shows the young man hurrying silently between
wrecked buildings, using his nervous body to illustrate where Israeli
soldiers shot Palestinians and where bulldozers collapsed homes, sometimes
on their inhabitants.

It was not hard to infer Bakri’s larger meaning: when it comes to their own
story, Palestinians are denied a voice. They are silent witnesses to their
own and their people’s suffering and abuse.

The irony is that Bakri has faced just such a fate himself since Jenin,
Jenin was released 18 years ago. Today, little is remembered of his film,
or the shocking crimes it recorded, except for the endless legal battles to
keep it off screens.

Bakri has been tied up in Israel’s courts ever since, accused of defaming
the soldiers who carried out the attack. He has paid a high personal price.
Deaths threats, loss of work and endless legal bills that have
near-bankrupted him. A verdict in the latest suit against him – this time
backed by the Israeli attorney general – is expected in the next few weeks.

Bakri is a particularly prominent victim of Israel’s long-running war on
Palestinian history. But there are innumerable other examples.

For decades many hundreds of Palestinian residents in the southern West
Bank have been fighting their expulsion as Israeli officials characterise
them as “squatters”. According to Israel, the Palestinians are nomads who
recklessly built homes on land they seized inside an army firing zone.

The villagers’ counter-claims were ignored until the truth was unearthed
recently in Israel’s archives.

These Palestinian communities are, in fact, marked on maps predating
Israel. Official Israeli documents presented in court last month show that
Ariel Sharon, a general-turned-politician, devised a policy of establishing
firing zones in the occupied territories to justify mass evictions of
Palestinians like these communities in the Hebron Hills.

The residents are fortunate that their claims have been officially
verified, even if they still depend on uncertain justice from an Israeli
occupiers’ court.

Israel’s archives are being hurriedly sealed up precisely to prevent any
danger that records might confirm long-sidelined and discounted Palestinian

Last month Israel’s state comptroller, a watchdog body, revealed that more
than one million archived documents were still inaccessible, even though
they had passed their declassification date. Nonetheless, some have slipped
through the net.

The archives have, for example, confirmed some of the large-scale massacres
of Palestinian civilians carried out in 1948 – the year Israel was
established by dispossessing Palestinians of their homeland.

In one such massacre at Dawaymeh, near where Palestinians are today
fighting against their expulsion from the firing zone, hundreds were
executed, even as they offered no resistance, to encourage the wider
population to flee.

Other files have corroborated Palestinian claims that Israel destroyed more
than 500 Palestinian villages during a wave of mass expulsions that same
year to dissuade the refugees from trying to return.

Official documents have disproved, too, Israel’s claim that it pleaded with
the 750,000 Palestinian refugees to return home. In fact, as the archives
reveal, Israel obscured its role in the ethnic cleansing of 1948 by
inventing a cover story that it was Arab leaders who commanded Palestinians
to leave.

The battle to eradicate Palestinian history does not just take place in the
courts and archives. It begins in Israeli schools.

A new study by Avner Ben-Amos, a history professor at Tel Aviv University,
shows that Israeli pupils learn almost nothing truthful about the
occupation, even though many will soon enforce it as soldiers in a
supposedly “moral” army that rules over Palestinians.

Maps in geography textbooks strip out the so-called “Green Line” – the
borders demarcating the occupied territories – to present a Greater Israel
long desired by the settlers. History and civics classes evade all
discussion of the occupation, human rights violations, the role of
international law, or apartheid-like local laws that treat Palestinians
differently from Jewish settlers living illegally next door.

Instead, the West Bank is known by the Biblical names of “Judea and
Samaria”, and its occupation in 1967 is referred to as a “liberation”.

Sadly, Israel’s erasure of Palestinians and their history is echoed outside
by digital behemoths such as Google and Apple.

Palestinian solidarity activists have spent years battling to get both
platforms to include hundreds of Palestinian communities in the West Bank
missed off their maps, under the hashtag #HeresMyVillage. Illegal Jewish
settlements, meanwhile, are prioritised on these digital maps.

Another campaign, #ShowTheWall, has lobbied the tech giants to mark on
their maps the path of Israel’s 700-kilometre-long steel and concrete
barrier, effectively used by Israel to annex occupied Palestinian territory
in violation of international law.

And last month Palestinian groups launched yet another campaign,
#GoogleMapsPalestine, demanding that the occupied territories be labelled
“Palestine”, not just the West Bank and Gaza. The UN recognised the state
of Palestine back in 2012, but Google and Apple refused to follow suit.

Palestinians rightly argue that these firms are replicating the kind of
disappearance of Palestinians familiar from Israeli textbooks, and that
they uphold “mapping segregation” that mirrors Israel’s apartheid laws in
the occupied territories.

Today’s crimes of occupation – house demolitions, arrests of activists and
children, violence from soldiers, and settlement expansion – are being
documented by Israel, just as its earlier crimes were.

Future historians may one day unearth those papers from the Israeli
archives and learn the truth. That Israeli policies were not driven, as
Israel claims now, by security concerns, but by a colonial desire to
destroy Palestinian society and pressure Palestinians to leave their
homeland, to be replaced by Jews.

The lessons for future researchers will be no different from the lessons
learnt by their predecessors, who discovered the 1948 documents.

But in truth, we do not need to wait all those years hence. We can
understand what is happening to Palestinians right now – simply by refusing
to conspire in their silencing. It is time to listen.

*A version of this article first appeared in the National, Abu Dhabi.*
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