[News] Another COVID-19 medication under development in Cuba

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Apr 29 13:27:25 EDT 2020

COVID-19 medication under development in Cuba

Yenia Silva Correa <http://en.granma.cu/archivo?a=1130> | April 27, 2020

MedSol Laboratories is working to develop the antiretroviral medication
Kaletra, a drug that has shown its effectiveness worldwide in combating

According to Adalberto Izquierdo Castro, head of Research and Development
at MedSol's production unit (UEB) Novatec, the drug is in the development
stage, with three pilot batches produced and physical-chemical analyses

Izquierdo told ACN that the next step would be to compare the Cuban product
with the lead product. With positive results obtained, it can be registered
by the Center for State Control of Drugs, Equipment and Medical Devices. He
explained that once the medication is registered and required raw material
acquired, Novatec is in a position to begin production, adding, "The tests
that are being carried out on the Cuban version of this drug have shown
satisfactory results.”

Kaletra, a drug used in treating HIV/AIDS, is an antiretroviral combination
of Lopinavir and Ritonavir. Producing the medication in Cuba would
eliminate the need for imports, and allow for a lower cost of production.

It is currently produced by powerful transnational pharmaceutical companies
with advanced technology. Launching production here of a drug with the same
specifications requires technological adaptations, but, in the long term,
it could be exported.

Along with recombinant human Interferon Alpha 2b, a drug that stimulates
antiviral mechanisms; Oseltamivir, a selective inhibitor of the
neuraminidase of the flu virus; and Chloroquine (anti-malarial), Kaletra is
among medications used in treating COVID-19 patents in Cuba.
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