[News] Cuba is Willing to Send More Medical Brigades to the World

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Apr 13 12:29:36 EDT 2020

is Willing to Send More Medical Brigades to the WorldApril 13, 2020

Cuba is in condition to send more medical brigades to countries that need
support to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cuban government said


*Cuba: Government Implements New Measures to Prevent COVID-19*

"We defend solidarity, even in times of pandemic," Cuban Foreign Minister
Bruno Rodríguez said on Sunday on the social network Twitter.

According to Rodriguez, new Cuban medical brigade from the Henry Reeve
International Contingent left for Italy, in Europe, this Sunday.

This is "the second Cuban brigade that traveled to Italy to collaborate in
the fight against the pandemic," he said.

*"A brigade of eleven collaborators from the Henry Reeve International
Contingent left today for Togo, in sub-Saharan Africa, to support the
confrontation with the COVID-19. This is the first time that a Cuban
medical brigade will bring health to that nation." *

This new medical brigade to Italy is made up of 20 doctors and 18 nursing
specialists, according to teleSUR's Havana correspondent Nayara Tardo.

Similarly, the country's Ministry of Public Health (Minsap) announced that
Cuba sent a team of 11 medical collaborators to Togo, in sub-Saharan
Africa, on Sunday.

"This is the first time that a Cuban medical brigade will bring health to
that nation." Minsap Minister Jose Angel Portal said this Sunday on his
Twitter account.

To date, Cuba has sent medical support to nearly 15 countries to address
the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them, Italy, China, Grenada, Suriname,
Nicaragua, Venezuela, Jamaica and Angola, cooperating in the fight against
the pandemic.
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