[News] The U.S. Acts as a Pirate and Leaves Yemen Without Food or Fuel

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Apr 10 18:32:32 EDT 2020

U.S. Acts as a Pirate and Leaves Yemen Without Food or FuelApril 10, 2020

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia Friday confiscated 17 ships loaded with food and
fuel heading for Yemen, even though the vessels had the necessary permits
to arrive in that country.

Although 14 ships carrying oil and three vessels carrying food had permits
issued by the United Nations to enter Yemen, the coalition's marine forces
prevented them from doing so.

"We are facing a new case of piracy by Saudi Arabia and its allies," Yemeni
television station Al Masirah reported from the Al-Hudayda port.

The oil tankers were carrying 320,000 tons of fuel to this war-torn Middle
Eastern country, which reported its first COVID-19 case on Friday.

According to the Yemeni Oil Company, Saudi Arabia still holds 12 oil
tankers in the Al-Hudayda port.

The continued confiscation of oil in Yemeni waters will severely affect
millions of civilians, especially at a time when the coronavirus is just
being introduced into the country.

If COVID-19 spreads in Yemen, its effects will be catastrophic. The country
is experiencing the world's worst humanitarian crisis in tghe last five
years, due to a endless war.
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