[News] US Blockade Prevents Medical Supplies From Reaching Cuba

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Wed Apr 1 13:19:54 EDT 2020

Blockade Prevents Medical Supplies From Reaching Cuba
April 1, 2020

Cuba was unable to receive a plane with medical supplies and aid from China
on March 31 because of the U.S. blockade. The resources were sent by the
Chinese entrepreneur and philanthropist Jack Ma.

According to the official Twitter profile of the Cuban President, Cuba
announced that the donation of medical supplies from the Alibaba Foundation
to the Island-Nation to combat the COVID19 has not been able to arrive due
to the regulations of the criminal blockade of the United States government
against our people. The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez,
also said this fact is an aggression against the human rights of the Cuban

 " *The imperial government's criminal blockade violates the human rights
of the Cuban people"*

Jack Ma, a Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Alibaba, allocated a
donation of masks, rapid diagnostic kits, and ventilators. This aid was
intended for the patients affected by COVID-19 and the medical staff on the

On March 22, the businessman announced this shipment, which was to arrive
at its destination on the 30th. “One world, one fight! We will donate
emergency supplies - 2 million masks, 400K test kits, 104 ventilators - to
24 Latin American countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba,
Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Peru. We will ship long-distance, and we
will hurry! WE ARE ONE!” Ma also announced extra supplies in the donative,
like ventilators, disposable gloves, and medical gowns.

However, due to Helms-Burton Law, the airship with the donatives was unable
to arrive in Cuba under the argument that "the regulations of the economic,
commercial and financial blockade imposed against the country of

Carlos Miguel Pereira Hernández, Cuban Ambassador in China, said: “The
commendable efforts of the founder of Alibaba and the Jack Ma Foundation,
which had managed to reach over fifty countries around the world, could not
touch Cuban soil, no matter how necessary those resources might be in
support of the battle being waged by the small, besieged and blockaded
Antillean island.

Jack Ma has sent medical supplies and aid to COVID-19 affected nations, as
Afganistán, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Pakistan y Sri Lanka. Alongside,  Azerbaiyán, Bután, India, Kazajistán,
Kirguistán, Uzbekistán and Vietnam also received aids shipment.

Cuba is facing the COVID-19 threat on its territory, with 186 confirmed
positive cases and 2,837 suspected patients. Besides, the Caribbean island
provides medical assistance to more than 14 countries.
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