[News] Trump’s Failed Golf Course Cost Puerto Rican Taxpayers $33 Million

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Sep 27 15:24:43 EDT 2017

    Trump’s Failed Golf Course Cost Puerto Rican Taxpayers $33 Million

Sidra Javed - 
Trump got involved in a golf club that was already in bad shape and 
promised to turn it around. He didn’t and that cost Puerto Ricans almost 
$33 million.

Puerto Rico has suffered a huge setback after Hurricane Maria, a 
Category 4 storm, devastated the island nation.

Right now, 60 percent of Puerto Ricans don’t have access 
to drinking water. An estimated 80 percent of the island’s crops were 
by the storm. Estimates for power to be fully restored in the worst hit 
areas are six months or even more. An aid package is expected 
to arrive no sooner than October which would be much too late for people 
who depend on insulin or oxygen tanks.

Also, the Caribbean island has a huge debt crisis, something that 
President Donald Trump quickly and callously pointed out.

But what the president failed to mention was that a significant amount 
of debt — almost $33 million — in Puerto Rico was contributed by him.

Yes, Trump cost the Puerto Rican taxpayers almost $33 million.

In 2008, Politifact reported 
Trump got involved in a golf club that was already in bad shape and had 
lost $12 million in a single year due to poor management and a 
recession. Trump joined the enterprise — which he renamed to Trump 
International Golf Club Puerto Rico — and promised he would straighten 
it out. But like many of Trump’s promises, he was unable to keep it and 
in 2015, the club filed a claim in bankruptcy court for $32.7 million.

The fund was paid by taxpayers’ money.

The Trump family has since tried to distance itself from the failure of 
the club and its debts and Eric Trump insists that putting Trump’s name 
on it was just a licensing agreement and they only “managed” the golf 

However, Trump profited with hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees 
for that licensing and management. Eric Trump also filed a bankruptcy 
claim for $927,000 for unpaid fees related to the club.

But it seems the president has more pressing problems (like bashing NFL 
players who kneel during the national anthem) than helping the Puerto 
Ricans reduce their debt crisis and get back on their feet.

Trump has said he will visit the island nation for the first time next 
week and claimed he received a lot of praise 
from Puerto Rican officials who are “so thankful for the job we are doing.”

Hmm. Very strange considering the fact Trump waited four days before 
acknowledging the terrible humanitarian crisis on the island via Twitter.

Read More
Trump Tells 3.5 Million American Hurricane Victims: You're Responsible 
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