[News] Cuba: Over 70% of Island’s Power Restored After Hurricane

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 14 14:50:41 EDT 2017


  Cuba: Over 70% of Island’s Power Restored After Hurricane

September 14, 2017

Over 70 percent of Cuba’s electrical power has been restored in the wake 
of Hurricane Irma, Prensa Latina reported.

    Cuba Leads the Way in Hurricane Irma Preparedness

The hurricane, which rocked the island nation’s northern coast earlier 
this month, left vast areas without power for days.

Cuba’s National Electric System, the country’s main electrical 
generator, has already been fully restored, according to Electric Union 
of Cuba official Jorge Armando.

Only one principal generator, located in the Matanzas province, remains 
inactive due to the effects of the hurricane. Once repaired, full energy 
transmission will be restored throughout the Caribbean island.

Government officials and citizens continue to work extensively to 
restore the country to normality.

The Ministry of Higher Education announced that 11 universities have 
reopened and that classes have resumed.

Nine food centers in eight Havana municipalities continue to serve 702 
residents who have been unable to return to their homes.

Over 200 public water containers in flooded areas have also been cleaned up.

While telephone service for 24,410 residences has yet to be restored, a 
majority of Cubans are now able to access communication devices.

All hospitals and health clinics are functioning normally, except for 
two: the America Arias and Hermanos Ameijeiras hospitals.

Cuban President Raul Castro is consistently meeting with Communist Party 
officials to improve recovery efforts taking place throughout the island.

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