[News] Anger grows against the Palestinian Authority which continues coordination with the Israeli occupying state

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 14 11:47:10 EDT 2017


  PFLP Won't Run in Palestinian Elections, Condemns PA Repression

March 13, 2017

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, a Marxist 
liberation group 
announced Monday they will not take part in local Palestinian elections, 
in protest of the Palestinian Authority’s violent suppression of 
demonstrations in the Israeli-occupied territories Sunday.

The demonstrations were in support of Basel al-Araj, the Palestinian 
killed by Israel in early March.

As the Ma’an News Agency reported, PFLP politburo member and Palestinian 
Legislative Council MP Khalida Jarrar said that the left-wing party 
would not participate in the May 13 elections, denouncing the 
suppressive measures by PA police. She added that they would only 
consider rejoining if all PA officers that assaulted protesters were 
held accountable.

Palestinians have been increasingly angered by the PA, condemning the 
self-rule government’s increased coordination with the Israeli state. On 
Monday, hundreds demonstrated in Ramallah, calling for PA President 
Mahmoud Abbas’ resignation.

Many were also angered when it was announced that five Palestinian 
activists detained by the PA would still be tried for allegedly planning 
an attack on Israel. This, despite the fact that four of the men, upon 
being released by the PA, were detained by Israel.

PA police also cracked down on protesters in Ramallah Sunday, injuring 
11 protesters who had been part of a contingent demonstrating against 
the murder of al-Araj, including al-Araj’s father.

The PA has also been criticized for its "revolving door policy," which 
effectively funnels Palestinians from PA jails into Israeli prisons, as 
part of its “escalating security collaboration” with Israeli authorities.

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