[News] Countries Around the World Condemn Attack in Venezuela

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 29 17:42:15 EDT 2017


  Countries Around the World Condemn Attack in Venezuela

June 29, 2017

In the aftermath of the helicopter attack 
against the Venezuelan Supreme Court, countries around the world have 
expressed their solidarity with Venezuela by condemning the acts that 
the Bolivarian government has described as “terrorist.”

The countries include Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba, 
Palestine, Turkey, as well as widespread support from Africa where 17 
countries have condemned the attacks.

The Bolivian government issued a communication insisting on the 
importance of peace and dialogue between Venezuela's internal political 
forces, and called for the preservation of stability.

The Ecuadorean government released a communication calling for 
“unrestricted respect for the democratic order of states, the peaceful 
resolution of conflicts, non-interference in a coutnry's internal 
affairs, and the rejection of attempts toward destabilization.

Guatemala also condemned the attacks and called for sincere political 
dialogue in Venezuela.

A former police official stole a helicopter on Tuesday afternoon, from 
the Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda airbase in the Venezuelan capital, 
and proceeded to fly over over and attack the Supreme Court of Justice 
and Interior Ministry buildings with grenades. Nobody was injured in the 

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister Samuel Moncada described the attack as 
an “act of terrorism,” and has thanked the countries who have condemned 
the attack for their displays of solidarity.

Moncada denounced the complicity of those countries and international 
organizations such as the OAS who have failed to condemn the attacks 
after months of international attempts to interfere in Venezuela's 
internal affairs.

In the day following the attacks, the United States has not condemned 
the attacks. Rather U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley 
called for increased “pressure” 
on Venezuelan President Maduro while speaking to the U.S. House Foreign 
Affairs Committee.

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