[News] Helicopter Attack is Escalation in Regime Change Campaign in Venezuela

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 29 10:47:46 EDT 2017


  Helicopter Attack is Escalation in Regime Change Campaign

By Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information , June 
28th 2017

/An official communique from the Venezuelan government on the helicopter 
attack perpetrated against the Supreme Court and Justice Ministry 
Tuesday evening./

*Official Statement *

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hereby notifies 
the general public and sister countries of the world of the armed 
attacks carried out in the evening today, Tuesday, June 28th 2017, 
against the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme 
Court Justice, as part of the escalation of a coup against the  
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its state 

Both attacks were carried out from an Airbus Volcom helicopter, model 
105, initials CICPC02, stolen from the General Francisco Miranda airbase 
in La Carlota, Caracas, by a subject named Oscar Alberto Perez, who took 
advantage of his credentials as an inspector subscribed to the aerial 
transport division of the CICPC [special investigative police body].

The perpetrator flew the aircraft within the vicinity of the Justice 
Ministry on Urdaneta Avenue, firing around 15 shots against the building 
while a reception was being held on the rooftop terrace for a group of 
journalists celebrating the National Day of Journalists. At the moment 
of the attack, 80 people were present.

Afterwards, the helicopter was flown to the headquarters of the Supreme 
Court of Justice, where the Constitutional Tribunal was in session, 
including all of its judges and a group of workers in their offices. 
There were shots fired against these people and at least four grenades 
thrown, [which were] made in Israel and of Colombian origin. Of these 
[grenades], one did not go off and another was collected. Two of these 
grenades were launched at agents of the Bolivarian National Guard who 
were guarding the building.

Thanks to the rapid response of the National Guard soldiers, a tragedy 
was averted. The perpetrator of these acts is being investigated for his 
links to the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] of the United States and 
the embassy of that country in Caracas, as well as for his links to a 
former justice minister who recently publicly confirmed his contacts in 
the CIA.

For the Bolivarian government, these are terrorist attacks framed within 
the insurrectional offensive advanced by radical sectors of the 
Venezuelan right-wing, with support from foreign governments and powers.

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces and state security forces have been 
deployed, with the objective of capturing the perpetrator of these acts 
and to recover the aircraft. We call on all of those who can contribute 
information to help locate their whereabouts to communicate with 
authorities through telephone number 911.

The Bolivarian government calls on the political parties grouped 
together under the so-called Roundtable of Democratic Unity, as well as 
the Catholic Church hierarchy and other factors of Venezuelan society, 
to condemn these acts and to disavow the use of violence once and for all.

The Bolivarian government calls on the Venezuelan people to be alert in 
the face of the escalation of a coup, which is an attempt to alter the 
constitutional order in Venezuela and has shown to be unscrupulous in 
its political and economic ambitions.

None of these attacks will stop the activation of the constituent 
popular process, nor will they impede the Venezuelan people’s right to 
vote on July 30th to choose the members of the National Constituent 

The legitimate president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 
Nicolas Maduro Moros, who today headed the presentation of National 
Prizes for Journalism, is at the head of his governmental team taking 
actions to safeguard the security and tranquility of the Venezuelan people.

Now more than ever, the words of Commander [Hugo] Chavez prevail: Unity, 
struggle, battle and victory.

*Caracas, June 27 2017 *

*Ernesto Villegas, Minister of Communications*

*Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information *

/Translated by Venezuelanalysis. /

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