[News] The Insolence of Trump Will Crash Against the Dignity of Cuba

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Tue Jun 20 10:53:55 EDT 2017


  The Insolence of Trump Will Crash Against the Dignity of Cuba


By Carlos Aznárez on June 17, 2017

As it was the case with Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, 
Bush the father, Clinton, Bush the son and even with Obama, Donald Trump 
is also wrong if he thinks that with insolence, his clown style, and pro 
war “tightening” against Cuba he will achieve what everyone else has 
tried to do and has miserably failed. Cuba, its people and its 
Government are made of good wood forged on revolutionary theory and 
practice carried out every day of every year since January 1, 1959 when 
Fidel led a revolutionary movement to put a stop to colonial oppression. 
Cuba is the first to outstretch its hand when it finds a partner who 
understands its gesture but it can also be as hard as steel when it 
comes to being subjected to unjustified humiliation and interference, as 
the inhabitants of the White House are used to doing.

Asking for a bit of rationality to a demoniac as Trump is really an 
exercise in futility. Convinced that he had to keep a promise he made in 
the midst of his electoral campaign to the anti-Cuban sectors he has 
just announced with a stroke of a pen that he will erase the small 
agreements signed by Obama with Raúl Castro, except for two or three 
items. Among them that the odious US flag will continues to wave at its 
Embassy in Havana.

All this is happening at precisely the same the time when Trump is 
facing rejection by an important sector of U.S. population due to his 
racist and xenophobic stands. And even several leaders of his own party 
are now questioning him and are joining with those who are moving 
forward to investigate him for his past of multiple black holes that 
could endanger his tenure. So Trump chose to run away from his problems 
by issuing an unconditional passport of support to some of the most 
extremist people of “Little Habana”, in Miami to pay them back for their 
support. With an anti-communist speech for the ages, similar to the ones 
given by the dinosaurs in the time of the cold war, the hierarch of 
Washington and his mimics immersed themselves in the arms of their hosts 
Senator Marco Rubio, Mario Díaz Balart and some conspicuous accomplices 
of the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, to which the US establishment 
protects to levels of scandal. The Trump with his flamboyant gestures 
and silly laughter likes to surround himself with scum and be flattered 
by killers like the Veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion (fortunately 
defeated in Giron by Fidel and his fighters). Also attending were the 
rich financers who line the pockets of those who conduct the campaigns 
against the Cuban revolution and it’s Government.

Some Latin American analysts had placed erroneous hopes that Trump would 
somehow be “less bad” than the Democrat who celebrated the killing of 
Muammar al-Gaddafi, but regardless Cuba and its glorious revolution 
remain a stone in their shoe.  Precisely for that Trump was appeasing 
the Florida mafia, those remaining mummies, who responded with 
hysterical applause to the jester on stage. Fortunately for Cuba they 
had put distance from the Revolution as soon as it happened.

This last Friday in the Miami theater, that bears the name of one of the 
terrorists who wanted to enter in Cuba through Playa Giron and was 
captured, Trump did not hold back anything in order to flirt with a pack 
of men and women marked by fire and  hatred against the huge 
achievements of the revolution.

That Cuba has remained dignified for almost six decades of criminal 
blockade is something that was not planned in the worst dreams of the 
counterrevolutionaries. They will never manage to understand that the 
people of Cuba will sacrifice everything in order to prevent the end of 
their social and political achievements. Those benefits granted by a 
government “of, by and for the humble ones”, as Fidel used to say, which 
have increasingly converted several generations of Cubans into proud 
representatives of a country where culture, education, health and social 
justice are not just empty slogans as is the case in the great majority 
of countries.

The arrogance of Trump to say that he will defend “democracy and human 
rights” in Cuba when in his own back yard the only thing he can show are 
the heinous consequences of capitalism is the height of denial. A micro 
world where human beings do not count, where health is a business that 
only some can access and where education is ultra-elitist. The streets 
of the U.S. have become dwellings of the excluded of the “American way 
of life” and drug use is one of the highest in the world.

Just 90 miles from Miami, the statistics speak for themselves. In 2016 
Cuba maintained one of the lowest percentages of infant mortality with 
just 4.3 per thousand live births. And speaking of health the revolution 
managed to be the first nation in Latin America to eradicate polio and 
infectious diseases like malaria have also disappeared. Cuba has 
developed a vaccine against meningitis and has some of the most advanced 
research to control different types of cancer. Cuba’s strides in health 
and medical technology are recognized by international organizations in 
this field.

All of this is a product of a public health system that not only reaches 
all corners of the country, but extends to many nations through 
cooperation agreements and initiatives of solidarity. Cuban medical 
teams made a huge contribution for example in the fight against Ebola in 
West Africa and Cuba does not shy away from sending aid and medical 
professionals to the poorest inhabitants in every corner of the planet. 
What about education? It is not just the internal development of Cuba 
but it also implements literacy plans globally in its goal to eliminate 

Cuba has fulfilled much of the Millennium development goals. It has 
eradicated extreme poverty and hunger, achieved universal primary 
education, and promoted equality and the empowerment of women. As a 
result, Cuba is a nation of high human development has is ranked high in 
the world for its social welfare policies.

In contrast to the winds of war and intervention always blowing from 
Washington, Cuba is committed to peace for the continent and the world, 
and because of that, contrary to the intentions expressed by Trump in 
his pathetic speech, in recent years Cuba’s foreign policy has achieved 
striking success. Cuba participates with voice and vote in dozens of 
forums and international bodies, it is consulted by countries that 
despite being considered “developed” fail to reach targets that the 
Revolution has already exceeded in basic social aspects demanded by 
their respective populations. And it is important to add that Cuba has 
been used to bring a dialogue of pacification in countries with endless 
conflicts as was the case recently with the negations between the FARC 
and the Colombian Government.

All countries reject the blockade as expressed at the last meeting of 
the United Nations on the subject where even Israel and the United 
States itself chose to abstain from their own shameful position.

Trump can scream and kick all he wants in the brothel of Miami, 
surrounded by a tiny group of worms, (on a peninsula where there are 
thousands of Cuban-Americans who do not share the sentiments of that 
disgusting speech) but what he will never be able accomplish is to bring 
the  dignified and sovereign Cuban people to its knees.

As it was expressed in the statement by the revolutionary Government 
right after Trump’s speech, /“Any strategy aimed at changing the 
political, economic and social system in Cuba, whether it intends to 
achieve through pressure and impositions, or using more subtle methods, 
will be doomed to failure”./

It not only the men and women of Cuba who are willing to fight against 
this latest twist of imperialist policy, but also by their side will be, 
as always, the grateful solidarity of all those who believe that the 
Socialist Revolution, sustainable, and prosperous is the only hope for 
this world.

 From the belly of anti-colonial, anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist 
thought once again it is time to tell Trump: “Cuba Si, Yankee No”.

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