[News] It's a 'Genocide Project': New Study Reveals Shocking Statistics On Black People Murdered In Brazil

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Fri Jun 9 16:27:09 EDT 2017


  It's a 'Genocide Project': New Study Reveals Shocking Statistics On
  Black People Murdered In Brazil

Tanasia Kenney - June 9, 2017 <http://atlantablackstar.com/author/tanasia/>

The killings of African descendants in Brazil has gotten so bad that a 
researcher has dubbed the South American nation a “genocide project” of 
Black people.

A recent study by the Institute for Applied Economic Research and the 
Brazilian Forum of Public Safety, released Monday, June 5, found that 
Afro-Brazilians are 23.5 percent more likely to be killed than any other 
ethnic group in the country. Researchers’ appropriately titled “2017 
Violence Atlas” also revealed that for every 100 murders in Brazil, 71 
are of Black Brazilians.

“It’s not by chance that most people who die are Black, [and] that the 
majority of those incarcerated are Black people,” said lawyer, 
researcher and actress Dina Alves, who studies race, gender and class in 
Brazil. “It’s the state that kills when police kill.”

Alves, an outspoken supporter of the rights of Afro-Brazilians, said the 
staggering numbers are proof that Brazil is virtually exterminating its 
Black population. In a sit-down interview with Black Women of Brazil 
last year, 
<https://blackwomenofbrazil.co/2016/12/27/we-die-because-of-our-color-lawyer-researcher-and-actress-dina-alves-breaks-down-how-just-being-black-in-brazil-is-seen-as-a-crime-in-the-criminal-law-system/> she 
discussed how simply being Black is often viewed as a crime in Brazil’s 
criminal law system.

“For us, Black women and men and indigenous, we are still in the fight 
for reaffirmation of our humanity and political existence,” Alves said. 
“Why are we the No. 2 country in the Americas with the largest number of 
imprisoned? What is the color and gender of prisoners in Brazil? Why are 
so many young Blacks killed in Brazil?”

“Answering these questions may make us reflect on the condition of our 
existence as Black men, Black women and indigenous,” she added. “We die 
and are criminalized by the condition of our color.”

Data complied by the atlas was based on information obtained by the 
Mortality Information System of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, 
TeleSUR reported 
The statistics indicated that in 2007, Brazil’s homicide rate was 48,000 
people per year. By 2015, the number of Brazilians murdered each year 
had jumped to 59,080. A large majority of the victims were young, 
uneducated Afro-Brazilians who lived on the outskirts of large cities.

The report found that violence among Blacks increased by 18.2 percent 
between 2005 and 2015. Meanwhile, the homicide rate for non-black 
individuals fell by 12.2 percent.

In just the first five months of 2017, “the total number of murders in 
the country surpassed the number of people killed in all of the 
terrorist attacks in the world,” researchers wrote.

Though their report doesn’t give statistics on the number of killings by 
police, researchers highlighted a major barrier to justice used by 
police called “auto de resistencia,” or resisting arrest. After 
authorities kill someone they describe as a “bandido” or thug, they try 
to justify their actions as lawful self-defense because the suspect 
resisted arrest. More often than not, the only witness to the killing is 
another officer, and the case is recorded as resisting arrest. In turn, 
the investigation into the victim’s death isn’t priority and no police 
officer is held accountable.

TeleSUR reported that a parliamentary inquiry commission was created 
to abolish all forms of resisting-arrest cases. A law forbidding the 
practice was proposed in June of last year but has yet to be approved.

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