[News] Video Shows Morton County Re-Dumping Trash Inside Standing Rock Camp

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Fri Feb 10 11:12:33 EST 2017


  Video Shows Morton County Re-Dumping Trash Inside Standing Rock Camp -
  The Daily Haze

by Claire Bernish - February 8, 2017


            Mainstream media jumped to believe misinformation over fact.


            Morton County was captured on video moving trash, rather
            than transporting it to the dump.


            The operation appears to be staged to make water protectors
            look careless.

Much talk has circulated over the last two weeks about appalling 
quantities of trash left behind by water protectors in the Dakota Access 
Pipeline opposition camps at Standing Rock — but those rumors were 
created through mainstream media’s hyperbole and sensationalism — 
without much basis in reality.

Now, there is proof corporate media failed by reporting 
a nonexistent problem — going so far as to say cleanup crews were on the 
lookout for ‘dead bodies’ 
with the release of a video showing city crews dumping heaps of garbage 
in one area for no apparent reason.

An extra-capacity garbage truck and other city vehicles can be seen 
dumping full loads of trash in a pile among scattered contractors’ 
dumpsters, in video posted to Facebook 
Jesse Puente 
<https://www.facebook.com/jesse.puente.90/posts/1537970169549932> from 
inside one of the Standing Rock Camps.

Puente narrates that a man — whom he describes as employed by Morton 
County — can be seen standing near the quickly amassing pile of waste, 
taking pictures of the progress and attempting to persuade a few of the 
crew to pose in lawn chairs in front of it.

And as Puente notes, there would be no logical reason for crews to fully 
load a vehicle with trash in one location and dump it en masse in 
another — if clearing garbage were the goal, the loaded truck would take 
it to the dump.

Also, he explains, the massive heap of garbage only recently began — and 
it isn’t entirely certain the untold volume of trash came from inside 
the camps.

Despite media rumors scores of water protectors evacuated camps, 
abandoning refuse and supplies without regard for the environment, 
several inside the camps told /The Daily Haze/ a massive, 
group-organized cleanup effort has been underway in Standing Rock for 
some time.

/“I’m kind of amazed at what I’m seeing,”/he tells viewers.

Headlines blaming water protectors for leaving an ecological disaster 
worse than the pipeline they’re opposing could putatively cause, have 
largely been driven by the ever-perturbed Morton County Sheriff’s 
Department — which is hell bent on shining the murkiest possible light 
on Standing Rock camps.

As Puente explains, the sheriff’s department recently launched a 
self-aggrandizing PR campaign showing personnel taking charge of camp 

Yet, instead of taking mounds of garbage to the nearby dump, officials 
busy themselves playing musical Hefty bags.

What the media reports on Morton County makes it appear as though law 
enforcement are the ‘good guys,’ but, Puente notes, /“They’re lyin’ to 

He adds, authorities are only trying to make water protectors appear 
“trashy” and unable to clean up after themselves. Puente even filmed 
camp-organized work crews hurrying to clean the area, /“everybody’s 
trying to clean but, these guys,”/he says, motioning to the suspicious 
garbage operation, /“these guys are bringing their dump and dumping it 
right here.”/

Puente suggests the only possible explanation for such an operation is 
to stage the scene to make water protectors and environmentalists look 
terrible to the public — thus subtly undermining some of the earned 
legitimacy of the movement against fossil fuels.

Of course, mainstream and pseudo-mainstream media pounced on the chance 
to fall in line with the comfortable government narrative — let the 
facts be damned.

While Puente’s video doesn’t evince die-hard proof the Morton County 
Sheriff’s Department had malintent in its creative refuse collection 
exercise, the lack of evidence showing otherwise — backed up by accounts 
from camp cleaning crews and independent media on the ground — certainly 
raise a number of questions.

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