[News] This Is The #NoDAPL Last Stand

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Feb 8 12:27:15 EST 2017


  This Is The #NoDAPL Last Stand

February 7, 2017

The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is calling for February 8th to 
be an international day of emergency actions to disrupt business as 
usual and unleash a global intersectional resistance to fossil fuels and 
fascism.  Connect with other struggles.  Think long-term movement 
building.  We are in this for the long haul.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has consistently asked for people to go 
home, and we understand this.  Regardless, water protectors remain on 
the ground at the Sacred Stone Camp, determined to stop the black snake, 
and we support them.  If you go, expect police violence, mass arrests, 
felony charges for just about anything, abuse while in custody, targeted 
persecution and racial profiling while driving around the area, etc.

We are calling for emergency actions all over the world. PLEASE, THIS IS 
OUR LAST STAND. Please visit everydayofaction.org 
<http://everydayofaction.org/> to find or register an action wherever 
you are. Check out our world action map <http://bit.ly/nodapl2017> to 
join the mass distributed actions TOMORROW, February 8th.

Please also donate to the legal defense of water protectors who will be 
facing intensifying repression.


  We encourage groups across the globe to connect our prayers for the 
water with other fights against fascism and the domination of people and 
Mother Earth (deportations, muslim ban, attacks on labor, deregulation 
of wall street, other fossil fuel projects, censorship of the press and 
academia, etc).

*Choose the target that is most strategic for building long-term 
collaborative resistance in your local area. * Potential targets may 
include:  city halls, federal buildings, army corps offices, ICE 
detention centers, banks profiting off DAPL 
<http://www.defunddapl.org/contact-the-banks>, sheriff's offices 
that have come to Standing Rock, labor union offices, sites of workplace 
struggle, etc.



    Rise with Standing Rock….against violations of sovereignty, crimes
    against Mother Earth, fascism, violation of law, etc.


    Continue to elevate what’s happening on the ground in ND --
    demonstrate that this is something serious that resonates to all
    peoples in the face of Trump administration tyranny.


    Support Tribes’ request for TRO (Temporary Restraining


    Resist Trump’s direct attack against indigenous communities with his
    executive orders re: DAPL & KXL. Indigenous communities are not
    backing down.

  * Police violence seems inevitable and mass casualties are very
    likely.   The only way to keep people safe is to do the EIS.  If
    not, any blood spilled is on Trump’s hands and the hands of the Corps.

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