[News] EU lets Israel destroy West Bank schools it funded

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Tue Aug 29 10:55:27 EDT 2017


  EU lets Israel destroy West Bank schools it funded

Ali Abunimah <https://electronicintifada.net/people/ali-abunimah> - 28 
August 2017


Dozens of Palestinian children were due to begin classes in Jubbet 
al-Dib, a village near Bethlehem, last week.

But on the evening of 22 August, Israeli occupation forces destroyed 
their new school.

It consisted of six prefabricated buildings largely funded by the 
European Union <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/european-union> and 
several of its governments.

During the five-hour assault in Jubbet al-Dib, Israeli forces declared 
the area a closed military zone and used stun grenades, tear gas and 
rubber-coated metal bullets 
<http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=778812> to keep residents away 
as they dismantled and confiscated the buildings.

“It was heartbreaking to see children and their teachers turning up for 
their first day of school under the blazing sun, with no classrooms or 
anywhere to seek shelter in, while in the immediate vicinity the work to 
expand illegal settlements goes on uninterrupted,” Itay Epshtain of the 
Norwegian Refugee Council said 
after visiting the village.

“The demolition of a school building the night before the start of the 
year epitomizes the administrative cruelty and systematic harassment by 
authorities designed to drive Palestinians from their land,” the Israeli 
human rights group B’Tselem stated.

An EU spokesperson told The Electronic Intifada on Monday that the value 
of the buildings and equipment seized by Israeli forces in Jubbet al-Dib 
and earlier in the Abu Nuwwar community is $37,000 – and that they were 
paid for jointly by the EU, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, 
Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden.

Earlier in August, Israeli forces confiscated solar panels 
<http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.806053> that provided 
electricity to the kindergarten of the Abu Nuwwar 
<https://electronicintifada.net/tags/abu-nuwwar> community, located in 
the so-called E-1 <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/e1> area of the 
occupied West Bank, where Israel plans to expand its mega-settlement of 
Maaleh Adumim <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/maaleh-adumim>.

    Weak EU response

In a weakly worded statement 
last week, the European Union expressed its “strong concern” – not even 
“condemnation” – about this and other demolitions.

The statement neglected even to mention that the buildings were funded 
by European taxpayers.

The EU did, however, mention Israel’s policy of “designating land for 
exclusive Israeli use and of denying Palestinian development” – an 
indirect acknowledgement of what others have more forthrightly and 
accurately labeled apartheid 

Yet on Monday, the EU confirmed that it is content to let the 
destruction pass without any tangible action to hold Israel accountable.

Asked what the EU planned to do to seek restitution and accountability 
from Israel, the spokesperson said: “The EU has raised these matters 
publicly and also privately in its dialogue with the Israeli authorities.”

That’s diplomatic speak for: we’ve done all we’re going to do, which 
amounts to nothing.

    Spate of attacks

The demolition in Jubbet al-Dib was one of several recent Israeli 
attacks on Palestinian schools.

On 21 August, occupation forces raided the Palestinian Bedouin community 
of Jabal al-Baba near the Jerusalem-area village of al-Eizariya and 
demolished <http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=778784> a prefab 
building that was to serve as a kindergarten for about 25 local children 
who have no other school.

According to B’Tselem, Israeli forces took the desks, chairs and 
blackboard – equipment valued at about $2,800, a large sum for a 
community with so little.

“The latest spate of school demolitions and confiscations in the West 
Bank forms part of a wider attack on education in Palestine,” the 
Norwegian Refugee Council noted.

According to the agency, about 55 schools in the West Bank are currently 
threatened with demolition or so-called “stop work” orders by occupation 

Many are located in Area C <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/area-c>, 
the roughly 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli military 
control under the Oslo accords signed between Israel and the Palestine 
Liberation Organization in the early 1990s.

Many of these schools are donor-funded, including by European Union 

“Israel denies the majority of Palestinian planning permit requests in 
Area C, thereby leaving Palestinians with no option but to reconstruct 
and develop without permits, while Israeli settlements – established in 
violation of international law – continue to expand,” the Norwegian 
Refugee Council stated.

    Massive destruction

Israel’s destruction of Palestinian infrastructure funded by 
international donors is relentless and systematic.

In recent years, Israel has destroyed at least $74 million 
worth of EU-funded projects, including schools, playgrounds and 
agricultural initiatives.

Analysts have suggested that EU officials have downplayed the full 
extent of Israel’s destruction in order to avoid embarrassment.

Last year, the Tel Aviv newspaper /Haaretz/ reported that there was 
mounting pressure <http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.722519> 
from European Parliament members on EU foreign policy chief Federica 
Mogherini <https://electronicintifada.net/tags/federica-mogherini> to 
confront Israel more forcefully over the matter.

But instead, the EU appears to be intensifying its unconditional support 
for Israel. A high-level official recently pledged EU support for 
Israel’s efforts to silence criticism of its policies, under the guise 
of fighting anti-Semitism 

EU officials also continue 
to smear the nonviolent boycott, divestment and sanctions movement with 
claims that the EU cannot substantiate 
that BDS activities have led to a rise in anti-Semitic incidents.

The EU also continues to fund Israeli torturers 
and arms makers 

    Empty words

In July, Israel confiscated 
solar and diesel electricity generating equipment in Jubbet al-Dib 
donated by the Netherlands and valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Dutch government sent Israel a letter protesting the move, saying it 
was “currently assessing what next steps can be taken.”

/Haaretz/ reported 
that “these softly worded statements cover the anger brewing in the 
government of the Netherlands, a close friend of Israel’s, at the damage 
to the humanitarian project.”

And in the wake of the demolition in Jubbet al-Dib this month, the 
Belgian government let its anger be known.

“These new demolitions and seizures of essential infrastructure are 
unacceptable,” the country’s foreign minister Didier Reynders and 
development minister Alexander De Croo said in a joint statement 

“By undermining such humanitarian projects, Israel contravenes its 
international obligations as an occupying power, in particular the 
Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons 
in Time of War,” the Belgian government added.

Strong words indeed, but followed by soothing reassurances to Israel 
that it need fear no consequences.

“Explanations as well as compensation will be demanded from the Israeli 
government,” the ministers said. “Belgium is not the only international 
donor affected by this kind of destruction. It will continue to work 
together with its partners, as in the past, to ask the Israeli 
authorities to end these demolitions.”

There is no hint of what Belgium might do if Israel ignores its polite 
requests, but if the past is a guide, it will – like the EU – do 
absolutely nothing.

    Slap us again

“The destruction of educational structures funded by European money is 
not just a violation of international law,” said the Norwegian Refugee 
Council’s Palestine director Hanibal Abiy Worku. “It is also a slap in 
the face to the international community providing aid to the occupied 
Palestinian population in a bid to ensure safe places of learning for 

With their inaction, the EU and its member governments are once again 
sending Israel a very clear message: please slap us and our taxpaying 
citizens again, and keep on destroying the schools and lives of 

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