[News] Bolivia’s Morales Slams US Venezuela Sanctions as ‘Financial Blow’

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Mon Aug 28 10:46:59 EDT 2017

August 26, 2017 

  Bolivia’s Morales Slams US Venezuela Sanctions as ‘Financial Blow’


The Bolivian President Evo Morales has slammed the United States’ latest 
round of sanctions against Venezuela 
calling them a “financial blow”.

"For imperialism and its agents, it is a double crime to be an 
Indigenous person and tell the truth. Despite racist attacks, the 
struggle for dignity will continue," Morales added.

He condemned the sanctions as an “economic coup against Venezuela” which 
violate “principles of sovereign equality.”

Morales also denounced the Secretary-General of Organization of American 
States Luis Almagro, the former Mexican President Vicente Fox and other 
“accomplices of the coup” for remaining silent in the wake of the measures.

    Golpe económico de Trump contra Venezuela es represalia, atenta
    contra principios de igualdad soberana e integración de países de la

    — Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) August 26, 2017

*"Trump's economic coup against Venezuela is reprisal, in violation of 
principles of sovereign equality and integration of UN countries."*

This week Bolivia also expressed its willingness to help organize the 
World Summit in Solidarity with Venezuela, which has been called for by 
the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, with the objective of rejecting 
international aggression against the country.

The latest sanctions ban the trading of Venezuelan debt and prevents the 
country's state-run oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA, 
from selling new bonds to U.S. citizens or financial groups.

The sanctions also come just weeks after the U.S. President Donald Trump 
issued a military threat against Venezuela 

“We have many options for Venezuela and by the way, I’m not going to 
rule out a military option,” Trump told reporters.

“A military operation and military option is certainly something that we 
could pursue.”

His comments were widely rejected by regional leaders.

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